Chapter 2

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-a week or so later-

I have definitely warmed up to everyone. Especially Keith, were best friends.

I burst out laughing when Keith does one of his impressions "Keith! Stop! The next contestants coming in"

"Fine fine" he's laughing, The 18 year old contestant immediately starts hitting on Keith.

"So whats your name baby?"

"Chelsea" she laughs.

I'm thinking to myself, *why does he call everyone baby!? He calls everyone but me.. Oh god.. I can't he's.. its not right were best friends nothing else.. but his smile..*

"Caitlin?" Keith snaps me out of my little world.

"Wha wha?"

"Its your turn to give your feed back" he's laughing.

"Oh uh.. I'm sorry I zoned out there but its going to be a no"

"Ok well thats the 3rd no, I'm sorry baby" Keith says and she walks out upset.

"Wow i was really zoned out there.."

"Yes you did.. so what were you thinking about?"

"Oh uh just stuff"

"Ah ok.." he gives me a funny look as the next contestant gets ready to come in, we have a little break in between and I start to go back to my little world... *there he goes again.. calling people baby.. I'm falling in love with him.. I cant be though.. I haven't known him for that long but..* he accidentally brushes against me

"Oops sorry Cait" he smiles.

"Its ok" i smile..

*That smile.. he's strong too.. He's perfect.. he's just amazing.. he taps me*

"C'Mon its time for the next contestant you can't be asleep for this" he's laughing

"Thanks, I've just got a lot on my mind.."

"I can tell" he smiles and nudges me jokingly..

*I cant tell how he feels about me though.. I think he likes me but..*

We finally reach the last contestant of the day.

"So Cait wanna grab dinner with us and go see a movie or something?" Keith asks and looks at Harry and Jlo.

"Sure!" I grab my stuff and follow them out.

-at the movies-

I sit at the end on the other side of Keith. he has his arms up but he doesn't put one around me. *Of course he doesn't... I have a feeling he doesn't like me back like that.. i knew i shouldn't be falling in love with him.. I made that mistake once before and i cant have that happen again.. I just gotta shut that out again.. I don't know if I can trust him..*

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