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Jazmyn's POV

I immediately storm up to my room upon coming home and I pack an overnight bag. I don't know where I am staying but I know I can't stay here tonight.

How dare my own brother accuse me if cheating on my own boyfriend? It's such bullshit. There is a fine line between being protective over someone because you don't want them to get hurt and having no faith in them at all. Zayn has crossed the border.

There is a knock at my door and I crank my music up even louder in response, I don't really care of the neighbors below us can hear it. My mother's car was not parked in the lot when we arrived and so I assume she is at work as usual, I have began to forget what her face looks like that is how long it has been since we were last face to face long enough for me to take everything in.

I shut off my music and I sling my bag over my shoulder as it bounces on my hip. I pull my door open and Zayn stumbles, he was leaning against it. so push past him and he grabs my arm. "Where do you think you are going?" He demands his voice cutting in the air making my stomach do flips inside my body and not the good kind.

I don't want his hands on me especially not this way, especially not this tight. I pry his hand off of my arm and I continue moving towards the door.

"Anywhere but here." I call before slamming it behind me and running out to my car.

He doesn't even attempt to run after me. It's the first smart thing he has done in days. I think about going over to Calum's house but that is too predictable.

I go through my list of choices in my mind as I drive into traffic. Then I realize how short the list is. I don't really have a lot of friends because if there is one thing I have learned it is to not get attached to people. I reluctantly grab my phone in my hand and I begin to text the one person I can actually go to right now.

Can I stay the night? I'll explain once I get there. I text quickly in case traffic begins to move again.

Umm... Let me ask my moms. He responds and I pull forward in my car. There must be a concert or something at Key Arena tonight. Perhaps a game at the stadium. Either way traffic is ridiculous and it is annoying me.

I turn up the radio and I try to get as comfortable as I can without being unsafe.

Right when we start moving at a normal pace I realize that I have no idea where Luke lives. I call him and he gives me instructions to his house, which is thankfully not that far away.

I knock on his door with my duffel bag over my shoulder, trying to refrain from crying. I don't want him to be upset because I am upset.

"Hey, I'm so sorry." I apologize as I step into the spacious one story house. He looks the same as when he got out of my car, blue tank top and khaki cargo shorts. The blue of the shirt brings out the color in his tattoos. He looks strikingly handsome and I try to keep from staring.

It feels like every time we are alone I having to constantly remind myself that I have a boyfriend.

"It's fine. The room is down the hall one door to the left." He instructs, not phased at all by my sudden arrival.

I open up the door and I take in the room. There is a neatly made queen sized bed with a grey comforter and red silk sheets. The dresser has a TV on top of it and there is a night stand in either side of the bed. I put my bag down on the floor and I go back out to Luke.

"So I promised you an explanation." I say stuffing my hands in the back pockets of my pastel pink shorts.

He turns his head to acknowledge me and I hear another voice down the hallway. "Is that the girl?" A strong and seemingly authoritative voice asks coming closer.

"Yes." Luke responds as a short blonde walks into the living room. She smiles and introduces herself as Joanna.

"I'm Jazmyn." I shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you, we don't really meet a lot of Luke's friends." She says and I know that Luke has kind if isolated himself.

He just seems like one of those people who don't trust very easily and I can understand where he is coming from.

I notice Joanna is very dressed up with her hair curled and her makeup on. She is wearing a baby blue dancing dress.

"Luke has stressed the fact that you two are not romantic interests, so I trust that I can leave you two alone for the night?" She asks and Luke and I both nod.

She must be going to a cocktail party or something. She leaves shortly after our brief introduction.

I continue on our conversation like it had never been interrupted in the first place. I explain to Luke why I couldn't stay at my house tonight and why I couldn't have just gone over to Calum's place.

"He's so stupid. You don't like me. You have a boyfriend." Luke laughs rolling his eyes.

I don't have feelings for him. Do I? If I do they are nothing compared to what I have for Calum, that's for sure.

"Yeah." I laugh along with him, unconvinced.

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