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Today was a crazy busy day at work which resulted in my tip jar being full which made me happy because it meant I was one step closer to getting out if this place. I can't stop thinking about Luke stopping in at work. Did he know I was going to be there? Had I not been there would he have bought frozen yogurt? Did he even originally plan on getting frozen yogurt or was he going somewhere else and he saw me?Calum rides with me home so I can empty my tip jar and change into more suitable clothes for this heat wave.

Zayn is not home when I walk in, he is probably out with his friends and my mom as always is at work. I grab a quick snack of a granola bar and I change into short shorts and a neon pink tank top with a yellow smiley face on it. I slip into my flip flops and I run down to the car.

Calum has the stereo blasting and he is listening to Sugar We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy, one of my favorites. He is singing along and I have got to admit that he has an amazing voice.

"Damn you're voice is awesome." I tell him once the song is over.

"The better to serenade you with my darling." He says in a deep accent and I laugh.

I have been to his apartment on a regular basis to pick him up for work or drop him off or just to hang out. He is one of my only friends.

Calum and I met in eighth grade when Zayn and I transferred schools because of the divorce. He complimented me on my taste in music after he saw Ryan Tedder in my celebrities to meet list we had to make for a personal project in English. We got into talking about music and then I got his number and we've been talking ever since. We didn't want to get the frozen yogurt job together, I didn't even know he was going out for it. Fate had it so we had the same schedule. Calum has always defended me when people talked shit about me and he has always been there for me through the divorce and everything. He's a really good person and if he ever wanted to give being my boyfriend a shot, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes.

We run up to his front porch and he takes a key out of his pocket and allows us into the house. He heads to his kitchen. "There's three shelves of movies, The Breakfast Club should be on the middle shelf." He instructs and I quickly find it. I put it in the DVD player and I skip through the previews.

He comes into the living room bearing popcorn. I take a handful and he sits beside me.

I pay attention the entire movie watching the rag tag team of misfits work their way through a Saturday of detention.

"Damn. The principle is a dick." I comment as soon as the movie is over.

"Yeah, he is." Calum agrees smiling as I continue to fangirl over the movie. we get up and stretch for a moment and Calum pinches my side making me yelp. I punch his arm playfully and he throws a pillow at me.

I stand there in shock for a moment before I begin laughing. "I am going to kill you." I threaten trying to hide my giggles.

"Oh no. I'm so scared." He says sarcastically and I begin chasing him around with the pillow. He weaves around the dining room table and he whiz sea through the living room. I chase him up the stairs. Calum is incredibly fast, a result of being a tight end for our high school's football team since freshman year. He is something of a prodigy.

He has girls falling for him left and right, which is the only thing stopping me from having a crush on him. Fear or rejection. Fear of losing my best friend.

He runs down the hallway to a dead end and he begins laughing harder. I beat him with the pillow as he cowards against the wall. He pleads for me to stop and I'm running out of breath and my arms are beginning to ache.

"Okay. Okay." I agree dropping the pillow on the floor.

He grabs my waist and pins me up against the wall. Our hearts are pounding against one another. he presses his forehead to mine. "You had such an unfair advantage." His ragged breaths begin to even.

We are so close our noses touch. I have never been this close to Calum before and it makes my cheeks as red as his Converse. His brown sincere deep eyes look into my bright multi-colored ones. "What's that?" I manage to ask with my jumbled thoughts.

He opens his mouth to say something but just then the front door opens. "Oh my Gosh. Calum Thomas Hood get your ass down here and pick up this mess!" His mom exclaims. "You left the television on, there are papers scattered on the floor..." She lists as Calum and I hurry down the stairs.

"Oh." His mom says when she realizes I am here to. "Hello Jazmyn. How are you?" She smiles and shakes her head laughing at Calum as he pouts picking up the living room.

"I'm good Mrs.Hood. How about yourself?" I answer politely.

"I'm tired. I had to work all night last night at the hospital with this woman in labor." She sighs.

"Would you like some help with the groceries?" I offer already half way out the door.

"Yes please, just take them to the kitchen." she sounds grateful for my help.

I go out to the car and I see the trunk is already opened I manage four bags on each hand. I kick the front door open with my foot and I struggle to take them to the kitchen counter. I see Calum hanging upside down off the couch. His mom who is sitting at the counter sees this too and she laughs, "He's really something, isn't he?"

I sigh looking at him and I bite my lip trying not to blush as I say, "Yes. Yes he is."

Torn ||Luke Hemmings|| AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin