6: Canis Major, the Great Dog

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It was rare to find a good apartment in Black Hollows, so when Brendon said he'd take me to his apartment, I was expecting an apartment as bad as Spencer's. Beaten down, possibly dirty, but very much a homely feel to it. However, when he lead me inside the apartment, I was driven into awe. The apartment, not too shockingly, was just as stunning as the boy himself.

The walls were white, the ceiling was also white, but textured with that spikey pattern, as if it was painted with a sponge. The countertops were marble, the couches were a light grey, which matched the curtains of the balcony window he had in between the kitchen counter and the entertainment stand in which he TV found a home on. It was a small apartment, but it definitely surpassed my expectations. The walls were lined with many magazine covers held up by tape. The covers were all pictures of Brendon, modeling in different clothes, and different positions. It wasn't sexual, obviously, but just modeling. I found myself smiling at the idea. I should've known.

With the magazine covers up on the walls, were framed pieces of artwork, all abstract, and holding a splash of color here and there. For example, there was one titled; "Out Of Tune Piano" in golden font, in the corner of the frame. It showcased a sketch of a man, but his eyes were bleeding the multiple colors of the rainbow. Even more shocking, was the man found loafing on the couch, a paintbrush in his hand. He was watching some show about dogs. The man turned his head up to Brendon and I as we entered.

He had pale skin, but bright red, dyed hair. He wore a black jacket, and lit up as Brendon waved at him, then placed a hand on my shoulder. Brendon and him were both very attractive people. Me walking in much have been a downgrade from the last person Brendon had brought in. Especially since I was a tall, gangly boy, wearing a nice shirt with a sweater tied around my waist to hide an alcohol stain.

"Hey, man. Dallon, this is Gerard. He's my roommate. Gerard, this is Dallon. He's just a friend of mine." Brendon introduced, before taking my wrist, and beginning to already tug me away. I huffed, waving goodbye to Gerard as I was pulled into another room. This room had the same white walls and grey aesthetic as the living room and kitchen. Except with the door closed, everything was close to pitch black. He flipped a lamp on from besides his bed, and sat down upon his bed.

This room was decorated with Polaroid camera pictures, taped up above his bed frame in a type of collage. Otherwise, he had more paintings with missing frames hanging up. The pictures painted and sketched seemed to tell a story. I eyed them quite cautiously until Brendon sighed, and grabbed my attention. "Go ahead and find a pair of jeans in my drawer." He insisted, waving his hands over to such. I hummed softly in acknowledgement, and lumbered over to the dresser.

On top of his dresser was a picture of what appeared to be Brendon as a child, his arms tight around another kid's waist. The other kid had soft features, black hair, and looked remotely similar to the kid in the living room, so I assumed it was Gerard as a kid. Inside of a mug (labeled with BLACK HOLLOWS in big, black letters) were multiple drawing pens and pencils, and on one corner of his dresser was the famous polaroid camera. Sitting beside that, though, was a regular camera. I felt bad looking at everything, but it was like I was discovering another side of Brendon. The side I was actually interested in.

I hurried to pull out a pair of jeans, turning around to face Brendon quite expectingly. He was still sitting on the edge of his bed in his leather jacket and a possible high school shirt. Classic. He was messing with a pencil sharpener, it seemed. He raised his eyes to me with little interest, and shrugged, chuckling awkwardly to himself. "Shitty pencil sharpener. Bathrooms down the hall, by the way." He muttered. I smiled softly in his direction, and turned to wander out of the room.

"Shh, this is illegal." Brendon whispered, shoving his hand over my mouth. His other arm was occupied by a blanket. I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout, but followed his orders. We were sneaking up a dark staircase, which Brendon showed me down the hall from his apartment door. With how dark it was, I'd accidentally stumbled, the tripped, and instinctively, yelped. He had to grab my upper arms to keep me from sliding all the way down the stairs (which would've been a bumpy ride) before tugging me to my feet and therefore shoving a hand over my mouth.

Finally, he stopped, and pulled his hand away from my face, instead using all his might to shove the push door open with a creak. He held it open, letting the chilly air seep into the room full of stairs. He then beckoned me out, quite impatiently. I hurried and slipped past him, automatically stunned into silence by the view.

Sure, it was colder than Alaska up on the roof of the apartment building, but the vista was absolutely beautiful. Unlike down on the ground, where a layer of fog and mist blocked the sky from view, everything up here was clear, and crisp. I felt like I was one with the sky, as if every step I took was leaving a path in the clouds, for somebody with my same curiosity to follow. Brendon let the door slam behind me, snapping me from my trance.

He moved on a few swift steps, and spread out the blanket to soften the concrete ground. I pulled out my composition notebook, jerking my pencil back from my ear, settling down on the blanket almost instantly. Brendon was forgotten, as I instead focused on the sky, and nature within itself. Something who's beauty was above all. Except Brendon. He surpassed nature in his own unique ways.

I pointed my pencil at the sky, connecting the stars with invisible lines, to unfold a picture; a constellation. Childish excitement kept me engrossed, I couldn't help but break when I untangled he mystery of the stars, to reveal my first constellation; "Canis Major, the Great Dog!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Brendon asked, raising his head. I glanced back at him, wearing one of the biggest smiles I'd ever worn. He showed little interest in the sky, but was instead lying down on his stomach behind me. He had a sketchbook down in front of him, and a pencil in his hand. He quickly let his hands fall down over the drawing before I could see it.

"Canis Major. He loyally follows his mythical owner, Orion, across the winter skies." I explained, falling silent. He stared at me in confusion for a few seconds, in which a blush rose upon my cheeks. I went on. "Canis Major is made up of eight stars, the brightest being Sirius, and a cluster of stars called the M41." I added, but my voice grew quieter with every word. Usually I geeked out over things like this when I was alone, or with Spencer, but Spencer was my best friend.

"You like stars?" Brendon asked softly, inching the slightest bit closer to me. I eyed him hesitantly, and nodded slowly. His lips curved into a smile, but for the first time since I'd met him, his bronze eyes gave off warmth, which wasn't entangled with a jab of ice. In fact, as he smiled, I picked up on something I hadn't noticed before. Unlike every other smile he'd given me, his right eye squinted up the slightest bit. He was smiling for real, and all I'd done was geek out over stars.

"Sorry, uh, my fathers got me into space when I was younger. They always loved to stargaze." I admitted. As soon as I did, I regret it. Brendon's face fell to the side, like a confused dog (confused dogs are cute, by the way) and his smile fell into a frown. "Fathers?" I sighed. Too late to go back on my word now. I nodded.

"I was adopted by two gay men, my fathers. You won't tell anyone, will you?" I asked, my voice softer this time. Brendon seemed to turn the options over in his head, then shrugged. He looked down as a smirk formed on his face. "I'll do anything, if you'll just promise to keep this between us." I begged, and bit my lip anxiously.



A few seconds of silence filled the air around us, so I stole the chance to scribble down the constellation I'd found.

"Dallon, have you ever given a blowjob?"

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