9: The Slut That You Are

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I arrived in English later than usual the next day, with a smile unable to be wiped from my face. The teacher didn't even bother mentioning how late I was, but simply went on with his lesson on wordplay as I took my seat in the middle of the classroom. Like usual, the class was boring.

"Hey, Dallon!" A kid whisper-shouted from the back of the class. I sighed, turning to glance back at him. It was one of the kids that had spray painted my door the night before. I raised an eyebrow, uninterested in his antics. As my head was turned, one of his buddies tossed a crumpled up paper ball in my direction. It bounced of the side of my head, landing instead on my desk. Confused, I huffed, and turned to unwrap it.

Staring back at me, in big letters, were the words; IT TAKES A FAG TO MAKE A FAG. I blinked at the paper a few times, before sighing, and slowly crumpling it back up. Then, I shoved the paper into my pocket. By the end of class, I had two more insulting papers tucked into my pockets, and was in quite a hurry to leave for my next class.

However, astronomy wasn't any different. Things were still thrown at me as I was harassed by the same group of friends. I mainly ignored them, but by the end of astronomy, it was nearly impossible to ignore them. Especially since they'd gotten physical with me. I was on my way to my dorm, when I was instead grabbed, and pushed up against the brick wall of the third dorm establishment.

"So, your parents didn't love you enough to keep you, did they? Just had to put you up for adoption?" The man teased. You wouldn't think a bunch of college kids would be a bunch of assholes about it, but here was example A. I hadn't told anybody about my parents, except for Brendon. With my athazagoraphobia, being taunted about being given up stung.

"Leave me alone." I declared, clearly, despite the panic already arising in my chest. I had trusted Brendon with basically the biggest secret of mine, and even did what he requested I do, and he had promised to keep it safe! I'd given the stupid model a blowjob, yet he'd spilled it anyways. Anger bubbled through me, but as I was shook a little, panic quickly drowned out the anger.

"Leave you alone? As alone as your parents did? What a shame, you were not only adopted, but adopted by a couple of fags." The boy sneered. He had brown hair, and a bit of a scruff covering his chin. I recognized him as Jon, a kid in my class. I grunted in distaste, shaking my head slowly.

"Shut up, they're not fags. There's nothing wrong with being gay." I whined at them, but they wouldn't accept my attempts at being all tough and stuff. He simply rolled his eyes, and kneed me in the gut. His friends, which had grouped around me, were choking on their own laughter.

"Only a FAG would say that, Dallon." Jon sneered, and I caught myself doubling over in pain as he kneed me again, this time in the groin. He gave me a bit of mercy, allowing me to crouch over and catch my breath, before he pushed me back up against the brick wall.

"What's your problem?" I growled, forcing the words out through my teeth, which were gritted, as I willed the pain in between my legs to abate. Jon shrugged, glancing over his shoulder at a friend of his.

"Well, we just wanna make sure we get our point across." Jon muttered, getting a thumbs up of approval from a friend of his. Then he reached up to entangle his hand in my hair, and smack my head back against the wall. My heart rate picked up at the contact, as I was incredibly submissive when it came to somebody catching ahold of my hair.

"Don't think of adopting any unwanted kids like you in the future. We don't need you infecting more kids into thinking they're gay." Jon taunted, his hand tightening on the handful on my hair. I pursed my lips, shaking my head slowly. My breathing was picking up, as panic threatened to explode from me in the form of tears.

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