30: Dear Dallon (Final)

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Dear Dallon,

I'm in love with you, and everything you do. I'm in love with your smile, and your eyes. I'm in love with your innocence. You're my boy, and always will be. That's why I did this. Now, before you rip this up, let me explain, all the way from the beginning.

I moved to Hollywood after being offered to model on the cover of magazines. Obviously, I accepted the offer. Soon, a mousy boy stumbled upon me, Ryan, and offered me somde drugs. Not only were they strong, and unhealthy, but they were illegal. He said if I wanted them, I had to join this gang thing he was apart of.

I told him to give me a few days, and disappeared to my best friend at the time, Gerard Way. It turns out he'd been apart of this gang for a while, so he encouraged I join it, but warned me; if I leave, I'll forever suffer the consequences. Back then I was young and stupid, and didn't take any of it seriously, so I said yes, and got in.

For months I was part of this drug exchange, and climbed the ladder of their gang, until I was second in command, under Frank. I'd began to feel really uncomfortable, and really unhappy with myself. I had begun to realize the dangers of being in the gang, and I didn't get as much freedom as I had before.

Naturally, I told Frank I was leaving. However, later that day, I was tracked down by the same boy who'd encouraged me to join; Ryan. He was angry that I'd surpassed him in the gang, and now he was more than happy to hurt me. He cornered me, and that night, told me something I'd never forget.

"Brendon Boyd Urie, from now on, until you gain the confidence to join up with us again, your life will be a living hell. Everybody you fall in love with will be in danger because of your mistakes." And as promised, I haven't lived this down. I'll never live it down.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, until I fell in love not once, but time and time again, and as threatened, every. single. one of them has been either tortured past sanity, hostaged within Frank's clever hands, or even killed off. Keep in mind that bringing the police in would only endanger everybody who'd ever been a citizen, or anybody who'd been apart of my family, or my friend, so I have never alerted the police of the gang's crimes.

After countless love ones lost, with my wrist as a reminder of my stupid mistake of joining, I moved to Black Hollows. I told myself I wouldn't fall in love, but the day I delivered that Pina Colada, I knew you were gonna end up on my wrist. I'm a hopeless romantic, and was enticed by your innocence, and your soft lips. I was enticed by you, and everything you did. It was stupid for me to feel safe enough to think I had a chance with you, especially with Ryan not only following me, but being so close to your place.

He found out I was in love with you, Dallon, and threatened to rat you out to Frank. I'll tell you from experience, you don't want to get involved with Frank. I still have scars down my sides, and the scar above my eye, from the countless times I've picked a fight with him.

I've never been as in love with anybody as I have you, so I swore I'd do anything to keep you safe. Ryan said that to keep you seriously safe, I'd have to fool around with him, and Frank wouldn't know anything. I did this all for you, as ugly as it sounds. Still, what I did was unforgiveable, so I don't expect you to forgive me for a long time; or at all, even.

If you're reading this, I'm already gone. I can't stay around anymore, as it puts you in more danger than I can risk. However, if you're ever in danger or need help, contact Breezy. She knows how to get ahold of me. I'm moving to a new town, picking up a new hobby, and taking on a new name.

I love you, Dallon James Weekes, don't be afraid to love anybody else. You deserve somebody who'll rub your back, and feed you candy on dates. You deserve somebody who'll give you a real reason to stay, and somebody who'll help you with your astonomy homework. I'm sorry I couldn't be that person, despite how badly I want to be.

- ?, xoxo


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