17: Call 911

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I didn't get as well as Brendon wanted me to. Day after day, I got worse. I got paler, my breathing got slower, and I was still easily confused by everything going on. At least, that's how Spencer explained it to me. Day two of my sickness, I was forced to skip class. Brendon was allowed over, but he wasn't allowed to be near me, such as sit beside me. Spencer's sick rules, he claims. I had a feeling Spencer was using these 'sick rules' as an excuse to get up in Brendon's grill.

Day three, I began randomly fainting. I wasn't sure why, but I'd silently slip out of reality for a while, unable to be awoken, then I'd wake later on, as confused as when I woke up on day one. By day three, I wasn't allowed to be alone, because of my fainting. Either Tyler, Josh, or Spencer would be around, since Brendon wasn't allowed to be around me alone.

Come day five, and everything got more serious. My skin, I'd noticed, had a blue tint to it. I was constantly thirsty, and too dizzy to do anything. At times, Spencer would wave his hand in front of my face and shake me for minutes before I'd realize it, and reply.

By day seven, a full week since I'd consumed the huge amount of alcohol, and I still felt like shit. Tyler and Josh were sat on either side of me, as I slowly ate some popcorn. I had blankets upon blankets piled in my lap, as we watched a movie. Brendon was forced to sit on the other side of the room, in a recliner. He was clearly unhappy about it, but I didn't say anything against it.

Spencer was in the kitchen preparing some supper, when it all spiraled down hill. All day, I'd been experiencing achiness, and sharp pains in my chest, shoulders, neck, and oddly enough, my left arm. Suddenly, it all worsened. My jaw fell open, as I gasped. My chest was burning, searing in pain, as was the overall top half of my body. I knocked the bowl of popcorn aside, my hands flying to my chest.

"Dallon?" Josh muttered, drawing the attention to me. I sputtered weakly, as I scrambled off of the couch. I didn't get very far before I collapsed on the ground. By now, both Brendon and Tyler had been alerted. "Dallon! Fuck, SPENCER!" Brendon shouted. I was barely aware of my surroundings at this point.

"Call 911!" Tyler shouted. Shattering glass. More yelling. And I was out. I was out cold.


[ 3rd Person POV ]

Spencer dropped the dish he was currently washing, which shattered against the ground. At the sound of his name, and the mention of 911, he hurried into the living room. Dallon was unconscious on the floor, a few feet from the coffee table. Josh was on the phone with presumably 911, Tyler was fanning Dallon and gently poking at him, while Brendon preformed mouth to mouth with Dallon.

"He's not breathing!" Brendon cried out, tears stung at his eyes. Josh was talking quickly with the police department, pacing as he did so. Spencer froze up in horror, at the sight of his best friend, medically endangered on the ground. "Fuck, keep going, Brendon. Get him breathing!" Spencer encouraged. He had dropped down to his knees beside Dallon, as well.

"They're on their way. They'll be here soon." Josh murmured. He automatically began to look into what had happened to Dallon, determined to figure out what it was.

"He's breathing! It's slow, oh God, Dallon.." Brendon exclaimed. He'd never been this hung up over somebody before. Despite Dallon breathing, Brendon contined to give him CPR. Spencer took Dallon's hand in his own, pulling his sleeve back. He originally only did so to check for a pulse, but he gasped at an unwanted sight.

Printed across Dallon's wrist, in cursive letters, was Brendon's name. Spencer felt his own world stop for a few minutes. Dallon was already in love with Brendon. Was he even aware? Either way, it wasn't good. Spencer quickly covered the name up with his fingers, pleased to discover a pulse.

"He still has a pulse." He reassured everyone, tugging Dallon's sleeve back down to cover his wrist. It wasn't up to Spencer to reveal when Dallon was in love with somebody. Anxiously, Spencer peered at Brendon. He was still giving Dallon CPR, and massaging his chest. All the while, he seemed to be gazing rather lovingly at him.

Dear God, please let Brendon turn out Dallon's soulmate.

Spencer prayed, his eyes closed tightly. He kept Dallon's hand in his own, squeezing it reassuringly. A few moments later, the door swung open, and Spencer was aware of the ambulance sirens yelling from the ambulance.

"I'm his best friend, I'm going." Spencer declared, firmly. The medical people had already lifted Dallon onto a stretch, and were muttering things to each other about the situation. "Anybody else coming? We can have one more person." A man announced as they all began to evacuate Spencer's apartment. Brendon automatically lunged forward, gripping to Spencer.

"Me. Please." He begged, "Dallon's my boyfriend." He stated. Spencer took notice of Brendon's tear stained cheeks. He cared about Dallon, if not the smallest bit. Spencer softened, and grabbed Brendon by the arm, tugging him along.

"Come on. Hurry." He snapped. Brendon thanked Spencer quickly, and took off. Spencer was about to leave, too, when Josh had a sudden outburst. "Dallon had a heart attack!" He pin pointed.

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