25: Messy, Faded, Dripping Paint

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[ Dallon's POV; Three days later ]

Brendon was inviting me over again, to his place. Of course I accepted the offer. In fact, my telescope, which Brendon had graciously gotten for me, was sitting at Spencer's house. I didn't trust my dorm enough to leave it in there. Especially not with Jon around. Spencer and I had been inseperable since I'd left the hospital, just as Brendon and I had been.

"Alright, close your eyes.." Brendon demanded, as I entered his apartment. I sighed, my shoulders slumping, but obeyed anyways. "It better not be another expensive gift. You spend too much money on me." I pouted. He took my hand and lead me down a hall, and into a room. There, I was allowed to open my eyes.

It was pitch black in the room, apart from a window in the corner, which was terribly covered in black paint. This confused me; why black paint? I turned to face Brendon, who was hurriedly racing towards me with a sheet of glow in the dark plastic stars. He had one plastered to his forehead, and the sight melted my heart. "Brendon..." I whispered, as he offered the sheet up.


"You're a dork." I teased, but began to peel stars off the sheet, and stick them to my exposed skin. We continued to do so until we were clusters of stars in the night. Once we finished, Brendon slipped in front of me, placing his hands onto my waist. I got the cue easily, and placed my own hands on his shoulders. He began to sway, so I swayed with him.

"Brendon." I whispered. I wasn't sure if he could see me or not, but he tilted his head in my general direction. "Huh?"

"Could you sing to me?" I asked. I loved hearing him talk, and I'd heard him rapping oh so long ago at The Slammer, now I wanted to hear him sing. Brendon granted my request, and within minutes, he'd granted my request. I recognized the song right away as the song that'd been playing the night we met. I smiled, despite his lack of sight.

"You're too romantic." I teased, softly. He only kept singing, occasionally spinning me. When he finished, he used his hands to feel around, until he caught my face. He then pulled my face to his own, for a messy, off kiss. The kiss was quick, so I dipped in for another one. This was was passionate and full of love. Until he pulled away, and entangled a hand into my own. I intertwined our fingers together.

"Uhh, I wanna show you something, Dallon." Brendon whispered, his lips barely brushing against mine for the third time. I nodded in a form of willingness, and let him pull me over to the door. First, he flicked the light switch on, and the room lit up. I squinted against the light, and took in the room. The walls were covered in polaroids of stars, and the sky, but mainly the stars. I reached out to touch one of the pictures taped to the wall, rubbing it softly with the tip of my fingers. I was in awe; I'd never seen any pictures capture the real beauty of space, but Brendon had done it almost perfectly.

"When'd you do this?" I asked, glancing at him. Brendon rubbed the back of his neck, looking down in embarrassment. "Uhh, I started taking pictures after I met you. The stars remind me of you, so.." He trailed off. I smiled, and gave Brendon a big hug. A big, tight embrace.

"That's not all. I put those recent polaroids of you and I up above my bed. Come, Dally." Brendon insisted. Dally. I liked it. I let him take my hand and pull me out of the room, and instead stop me in front of another room. A splatter-painted sign on the door deemed the room the 'Art Room'. His hand fell from mine, as he awkwardly paused.

"This is my art room, please don't touch anything. Be careful." Brendon warned. His voice took on a new tone, which I'd only ever heard once; when he was caught drawing me a few days ago. It was an awkward, flustered tone of voice, which really added personality to his character. He opened the door, and let me come inside. I was stunned into silence automatically.

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