10: Can I Trust You?

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I skipped classes for the next few days. I lounged around on my own bed in a sweater, baggy sweatpants, and did nothing but cry my eyes out and eat ice cream for the next three or so days. My phone would occasionally go off, but it was always Spencer, so I ignored it. As far as he was concerned, we weren't getting along at the moment.

A few hours into the third day, there was a pattern of sharp knocks on my door, but I refused to answer. Afterall, it was probably Spencer. If not, then it was Brendon, and he was the last person I wanted to see. Three days later, I was still hurting, both physically, from Jon, but also emotionally, from Brendon. However there was no doubt I'd cling to Brendon if he actually walked in. Which is why I was wildly surprised when Tyler and Josh, from The Slammer, made there way into my small living room. Tyler's eyes held sympathy, while Josh frowned.

"Dallon! Oh, you're an absolute mess. What happened? We tried to ask Brendon, but he's being very vague about the situation." Tyler explained, moving to plop down on the couch beside me. Josh awkwardly sat down on the arm of the couch, his eyes fixed on Tyler. I couldn't help but pick up on the tension between the two boys. As soon as Tyler said Brendon's name, my heart gave me a sharp pang, and I realized just how much I missed the stupid boy with the perfect face. I slumped back even further, trying to disappear into the couch cushions.

"Can I trust you?" I asked softly, my voice quite ragged from all the crying. Josh and Tyler both nodded, and Josh even leaned forward to grip the edge of my foot from beneath the blanket I had sloppily tucked around my body, up to my waist. I sighed, looking down into my bucket of ice cream. It was my second bucket of vanilla ice cream, which was gonna take a lot more than a few flights off stairs to run off. After a few seconds, Tyler gave in with a sigh. He stood, ripped the bucket of ice cream from my arms, setting it on the ground, and ripped the spoon from my mouth before I had a chance to eat the rest of it. "Hey." I whined, but he wasn't finished. He shoved me over so I was propped correctly on the couch, and sat on my right. I tried to lean to the left, but before I could fall into the couch, Josh took his own place beside me.

"There. Now speak, Dallon. I promise I won't tell anyone." Haha. Funny. That's exactly what Brendon had said, after I'd given him the blowjob. Sadly, I was too naive to think that would stop him from spilling it from his dirty mouth. Nevertheless, I collapsed again, broke down in yet another of my many fits over the past three days. I'd only missed one day of classes, though, so it wasn't too big of a deal.

"I accidentally spilled a secret to Brendon, that I didn't mean to tell him, and be blabbed around to everybody about it. The worst part? I gave him exactly what he fucking wanted to keep the secret. A blowjob." I admitted, a new set of tears streaming down my face. Tyler's hand found my back, and he rubbed it softly. I wasn't gonna lie, the comfort felt nice. I wasn't gonna question how Tyler and Josh knew where my apartment was, since they were probably in contact with Spencer, through Brendon, or something.

"That's rough." Josh spoke softly, his head falling to the side as he thought. They let me sit there and cry for quite some time, before Tyler spoke up again.

"Well, upset or not, it's not gonna help to just sit here. You gotta get back at him! Make him jealous, or something.." Tyler blurt out. I shot him a look. I wasn't sure how I would make Brendon jealous. He'd probably be relieved if I focused on somebody else. Then again, he seemed really interested in me lately. I cocked my head to the side. "Right, and how am I gonna do that?" I asked.

"Go to a party, flirt with somebody near him, dance with them, you know." Josh offered. I turned my head towards him, more questions arrising in my head like balloons popping out of thin air. The tone in their voice made me excited for this little plan.

"What party, though?"

"What about the party Tuesday? There's a kid in dorm establishment 2 throwing a party. I go to college here too, by the way, I'm staying in the dorm establishment with the party. We can take you shopping and everything tomorrow." Josh explained, then looked straight at Tyler, for praise. He sure got it, too, Tyler gave a soft hum in approval. It worked out perfectly, since we could go shopping tomorrow after classes, then I could make him jealous during the party on Tuesday. Already, I was excited. I'd be able to possibly make him angry, just as he'd made me.

"Guys, this is perfect. Literally." I promised, "I'm in." Tyler and Josh both threw their hands into the air, cheering. I looked between the two of them with a smirk set on my face. Oh boy, was Brendon gonna pay.

From then on out, Tyler, Josh and I relaxed on my dorm couch, turned the TV on, and took turns taking scoops of icecream from the bowl and shoving it in our mouths. Spencer called, and I actually picked up. He was mainly filled with 'told you so's, after I explained the situation. When I filled him in on the plan, he didn't act too excited for me. According to him, I still didn't deserve somebody like Brendon. I simply shrugged his words off. I was determined to get Brendon now.

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