15: Dizzy, And Off Balance

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[ Emeto Warning! ]

That night, I entered The Slammer with brisk steps. I went straight for the bar, where I was almost certain I'd find Spencer. However, when I got there, he wasn't there. Softly, a sigh fell from my lips, tainting the air around me. After all, it was a chillier night in Black Hollows. It was as if the moment Brendon left my side, the temperature dropped. Because of the weather, I had my black jacket hugging around my form, tightly.

"Dallon?" Spencer approached me, leaning his elbows onto the bar. I raised my head and sighed in relief. He straightened up and began to put a Pina Colada together. I wondered if Brendon was here tonight, as he did so. If he was, was he serving drinks to another unassuming customer? I shook my head as Spencer slid the glass across the marble bar, snapping my thoughts from Brendon. Quickly, I grasped the Pina Colada, and downed a good sized portion. I'd never been so hungry for the buzz of alcohol, but I was desperate to forget Brendon's attitude tonight. It had hurt, badly, how he snapped at me. All I wanted to do was get to know him better.

"Okay, Dallon, what happened?" Spencer dove right in, as he began mixing together another drink for yet another customer. I frowned, pulling my face away from the rim of the class, to set the drink down. Instead, I claimed the tiny pineapple slice in my hand, and sucked at it, as my body readjusted to the sudden alcohol consumption. "What makes you think there's something wrong?"

"Well, I heard from Tyler that you went home with Brendon after the party. I haven't heard from you since the day of the party, and I've never seen you so hungry for alcohol. Spill the beans." He pursued. Fuck. He'd caught me. I took another long drink, before dropping the pineapple slice into the glass from above. I watched as it sank to the bottol of the glass, slowly, but surely.

"We had sex." I started. Spencer gasped, suddenly interested. He hurried to deliver the last drink to the customer, then called for Linda to take over on his half. "No way," He declared, leaning against the bar. This time, I was sure I had his full attention. "Shh, let me finish." I stated quietly. Another big drink of Pina Colada.

"He took me back the first night and we made up. Cuddled, talked, yada yada. I kept up on all my classes and stuff, of course. Then last night, I asked what we were to him. He basically asked if I would be his boyfriend. I said yes, and we had sex on the roof of his apartmemt building." I said merely, shrugging my shoulders.

"An apartment building complex? Outside! Jesus!" Spencer announced. I looked away, my heart throbbed thinking about Brendon. At the moment, it still pained me to think about him. I wasn't going to cry over him again, though. Why not drown my problems with alcohol. "Yeah, can I get another drink? I'm not finished." Spencer obliged, and soon returned with instead a glass of Whiskey. I was grateful for it, and began to sip at it.

"Today, he met me after class, and walked with me to my dorm. Note the name Ryan, he seemed interested in Brendon." Spencer released a low whistle. I shot him a slight glare, and he fell silent. I wasn't in the mood for his antics, best friend or not.

"We were just talking, and I asked about photography, and why he moved to Black Hollows, you know. An innocent question." Spencer nodded, patiently waiting as I sporadically took more drinks of the alcohol.

"He snapped on me. Turned all cold, and mean. He called me a fool, and brought up a mistake I'd made at the party, which I'd already apologized for. Then he stood up, apologized, and walked right out." I finished. My voice cracked on the last word, bit I swallowed it down with another taste of Whiskey. Spencer sighed, smacking a hand down on the counter. His face showed disappointment.

"God, I don't want him around you, but I know there's nothing I can do about it." He muttered, as if he wished I would promise to separate from Brendon. I snorted with dry amusement. "Correct." I replied. From then on out, I was quiet. Spencer gave me free refills on all the alcohol I wanted, and I drank my problems away. I kept at it, until I was far too wasted to walk through the dark on my own.

It was early in the morning when Spencer finally caught ahold of me. I'd been drunkenly dancing by myself, a beer bottle in one hand, to music that was playing in my head. Everybody had since gone home, but in my intoxicated state, I wanted nothing more than to dance away from anything.

"Dallon, bud, I think you've had enough." Spencer decided, snatching the beer bottle from my hand, as he reached me. I grunted in refusal, and tried to swipe it back, to no avail. Eventually, I just fell back against the wall with a pout. Spencer returned after trashing the alcohol, and put an arm around my waist, directing me in the right direction.

I swayed with each step. Spencer deposited me outside the establishment, and turned to lock the place up. The moment his arm left my waist, my stomach decided it wasn't settling well with all the alcohol I'd consumed. My vision began growing fuzzy, and I lost balance. I fell to the side of the building, leaning against it, as I used my free hand to rub my stomach, as I groaned. Spencer glanced at me. "Dallon?" He asked. Then I collapsed to the ground, and threw up.

"Oh, Dallon.." Spencer cooed. He quickly moved to stand beside me, and massaged my back as it all came out. I then groaned, and he pulled me to my feet. "Let's get you home."


Instead of taking me to my dorm, Spencer let me crash at his place. He dragged me almost all the way to his apartment, then lead me to the bathroom, and let me use the toilet to empty my stomach for the second time that night.

Eventually, I made it to bed, though. On his couch, forced to sleep on my stomach, so if I got sick again, I wouldn't choke on it in my sleep. Morbid, and vivid, sure, but still very possible.

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