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It was quiet, to quiet for Nicole's liking. The apartment was empty and there was no noises of kids running on the higher levels. It was noon so there should have been some noise.

The phone on the side table rang but there was no noises to it. She could see the phone vibrate but couldn't hear it. "That's strange." She muttered but covered her mouth. She couldn't even hear herself speak.

The room started to spin and she let herself fall onto the coach starting to feel to tired to function. Her breathing started to get quick and panicked as she gasped for air feeling the world escape from her finger tips.  Everything went black.

  Noise. There was a noise, horrible beeping  noise but there was noise. Nicole opened her eyes and looked over to her side to a heart monitor. "Wh-what?" She sighed reilizing what was going on.
"Hey your up." A voice spoke and it startled her.
"Hey Alan..." Nicole looked over to her left to see to her  older brother.

  Alan was the only faimly she had since when she was eight her mother and father were killed in a train crash. Alan was eighteen so he became her guardian. She was now sixteen and felt bad that Alan had to take the responsibility of her. She wasnt a bad kid sure she did normal teenage things like get to drunk to function, but she also couldn't live a normal life. She wasn't able to do sports or even jog. She couldn't eat a lot of sweets and she slept a lot.

"Hey." She muttered out slowly trying to sit up.
"No you stay lying down, you need all the rest right now." Alan said urging for her to lay back down again.
"Yeah because that's all I do right? Sleep and have heart attacks that I could die from. What a life." She stated sarcastically.
"I know you hate always having to be here I really do and I'm sorry that I don't have the money to give you all of the special treatments they have, I really am trying and I know this is really hard on you and I'm really sorry for that. Please just try and stay resting for now. Please."

Nicole looked at her pleading brother, she knew he tried and she felt guilty but never would admit it. "Okay I'll rest but don't you dare stay here all night. Go home take a shower get something I eat and get some rest. I'll be here when you get back I promise."
"I'm not going to leave you here, every time your in the hospital I always stay by your side until you can go home."
She knew it would be pointless to even try to convince him to head home. "Please......for me?" She gave him her usual smile that got her whatever she wanted, she knew how to work her charm and could work it well.
"Fine, but I'll only be gone for two hours you hear."
"Yes yes two hours now leave." She demanded.
With that Alan had slipped away from eye range and Nicole was left with the only noise of a load heart monitor and her wild thoughts.

What even happened? Did Alan find her when he got home from work? Or did the neighbors hear her fall from the downwards floor? She new that this was the worst it's even been. Did that mean she was going to die. Who knows, people would all be better of without her. She weakly got up from the bed throwing her brother pleads out the window of her mind. Her heart monitor followed everywhere she went even if it was just a small pace around the room. She walked over to the window opening it slightly letting in some cold fresh air. Then leaned up agents the wooden ledge of the window and thought about how many times she's actually been locked away in this hospital chamber.

The pale girl slowly shuts the window and walks over to the mirror. Her black hair was in a tangle confusion as she gently stroked her fingers threw the harsh knots, until her hair was back to its normal self. The purple die at the tips of her hair was slowly fading and her green eyes were tied and sunk. Her pale complexion made her almost look dead like, and the hospital gown made her look even more creepy.

  She felt like she could die of boredom like it could suffocate her any moment. She later laid back down and before she knew it it had been two hours. "Hey." Alan said poking his head in the room.
"Hey." Nicole said  picking at the scabs on her lip.
"I brought you your sketch pad, thought you would be bored."
"Thanks Alan."
He smiled at her and sat back down as she traced over the lines over her older projects.
Soon enough her eyes felt heavy and her brain felt mushed, and she sunk into a deep sleep.

She jolted up sweat drenching the baby hairs on her forehead. She looked around seeing she was alone. "Alan?......Alan!?" She yelled panicking.
A nurse ran in and looked at the girl confused. "What is ms?" She asked.
"Uh...I-its nothing I's just...did you see a guy with black hair and green eyes leave the hospital?" Nicole asked sitting up.
"No sorry ma'am."
"No it's fine....."
The nurse looked at her then left, and she relaxed a little.  It was probably nothing, Alan probably got called into work or something. She closed her eyes and fell back to sleep.

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