A donation

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     It was late that night and Alan had fallen asleep. Nicole was much awake her thoughts clouded with Levi. She wanted to see him again....why did he bring her back? Did he not want to see her anymore? Is that why he brought her here just to drop her off and leave? She knew now that she liked him, her heart hurt thinking about that he just left her. She knew this was for the best though.

  As soon as she was about to finally fall asleep a shadowy figure appeared at the doorway and walked closer to her until her eyes finally focused. It was Levi, he smiled  sheepishly. "Hey Nicky." He said as she stared at him.
"Hey that's all you have to say is hey?" She said her eyes starting to water.
"Shh don't cry."
"How can I not cry? Tell me the truth, did you bring me here to get rid of me? Did I become to much of a problem for you?" She was in full on tears now and Levi's face sank.
"No, not at all. Nicole look at me, I know about your heart condition and that you only have so much time, I didn't want to do nothing and watch you die because I like you a lot. I would be an awful person if I did. I know that there going to find a donor for you and I can pay for it. I found my family turns out there rich, they won't miss the money it takes to pay for your surgery. Your going to get threw this I promise you." He said putting his hand up to her face wiping away her tears which only seem to make her cry harder. "Please don't cry." He said as he leaned down to embrace her. She cried in his shoulder until she finally stoped.
"What happens if they don't find a donor?" She asked.
"They already have."
"Really who?"
"It was an Anonymous donation." He said wiping the hair from her face.
"So I'm going to be okay?" She asked with a slight smile.
He smiles at her. "Your going to be just fine." He leaned down and kissed her softly. He was trying hard not to cry tonight would be that last time he would ever see her again.
"I love you." He said after pulling away from the kiss.
She stared at him for a moment. "Y-you what?"
"It's okay if you don't feel the same way I just wanted to let you know that."
"I love you too." She said with a teary smile.

The next day Levi was gone and it was just Nicole and Alan in her room. A nurse walked in and the two settled there attention towards her. "There had been a donation made, and it's already been paid for. Nicole your surgery will be done tomorrow morning."
Alan looked like he was about to jump out of the chair with joy. The nurse walked out and Nicole looked a little frightened.
"Every is going to fine, your going to be fine." Alan said calmly.

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