Day 7. To the hospital

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     None of them really talked about the kiss after it happened. Nicole thought it was a mistake that shouldn't be brought to anything serious after all she had seven days. Levi respected that fact and left what happened be in the past. Though he didn't drop his plan of taking her back to the hospital. That's what they were doing today.

  "Come on Nicole get up." Levi said tugging her off of the ground.
"Ugh its to early." She whined.
"It's really not so come on."
She held onto his shoulder as he helped her up. She had gotten to the point where she can't walk or she'll run out of breath so Levi has to carry her everywhere.
"So where are we going anyways?" 
"You'll see." He said calmly.
"Come on tell me, we haven't exactly been making that much progress on finding your parents."
"You'll see." He restated once more.

  She fell asleep, she did that a lot, sleep. Levi thought it would be easer to get her in the hospital if she was asleep. He kept walking until they reached a hospital, at this point he had no idea where they where but he found a hospital and that's all he cared about.
He walked in and as soon as he did the lady at the front desk looked at them and gasped. She pushed a call button and before Levi knew it Nicole was being ripped away from him and taken to a room.

   Apparently Nicole and Levi's disappearance was all over the news so it was found out pretty quickly. Levi wasn't hurt anymore but he still wanted to stay here for Nicole. He just hoped she was okay. He stood up and walked over to the front desk. "I would like to have my blood tested to see if it will match up with Nicole Tomber's if it does I want to  make a heart donation." Levi said.
"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" The lady asked concerned.
All he did was nod.
"Very well we'll call you up for testing shortly."
Levi nodded and went back to his seat and sat down. He couldn't believe that this is what he was about to do. Give up his life, for a girl he kind of knew, yes it's been seven days and he knew a lot about her but it just seems that everything seemed to go so fast. He just couldn't believe it.

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