Some bad news

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The next morning a nurse walked into the quiet room as Nicole still stayed in her deep slumber. Alan however was much awake. "I need to speak with you." The nurse said quietly.
"Of corse." He stood up and they both walked outside of the room.
"I'm afraid I have some rather bad news, Nicole well she isn't stable anymore she doesn't have along time to live. Her heart is failing she has about a week, two weeks tops."
Alan froze hearing these horrible words come out of the nurses mouth. He couldn't loose his baby sister. He wanted her to be okay, to live a normal happy life. "N-no there has to be something."
"The only thing is a heart transplant and that could take who knows how long, we would have to find a heart that would correspond with her blood type not to mention it would cost a lot of money."
"What if I give up mine?" Alan asked ready to throw his life away to make sure Nicole got a chance at new and happy life.
"If it's something you want to consider, but take your time to think about this one. It will cost  $780,000..."  The nurse put her head down and walked down the hall.

  Alan was left in shock, he was able to think properly. He knew what he needed to do, but how was he suppose to get that much money? He slowly walked back into the hospital room were Nicole still laid zombie like in the bed, pale and lifeless with only her shallow breathing to determine that she was alive. Alan sat back down and thought about what he was going to do. Nicole started to stir around until she was fully awake. "Did you sleep well?" Alan asked putting on a fake smile.
"Yeah I guess, I miss my bed though." She said.
"Yeah I get that but you'll be out of here soon."  Alan felt bad for lying but deep down inside he hoped that she would.
"Yeah I guess your right." Nicole smiled a little and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
She only shook her head.
"You have to eat something it's the only way you'll get better."
"Yeah well that and a new heart..." she mumbled under her breath barely addible.
"What?" Alan questioned not being able to hear her.
"I said yeah I'll take something to eat."
Alan nodded getting up from the chair. "I'll be back soon." He headed to the cafeteria.

Nicole sighed deeply rolling over on her left side and staring out the window. Though it was pointless considering the blinds where hiding the outside view. "Nicole?" A familiar voice asked.
"Levi?" Nicole questioned turning around to face the boy.
"Sorry if you where sleeping."
"No I wasn't but what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you again."
"Uh why?"
"Because you where really nice to me when most people would have probably took one look at me and would have yelled at me to leave."
"It's no problem."
"I found out why I'm here, apparently I was found outside of a gas station passed out in a pool of my own blood. No one knows where my parents are, or any of my family."
"That's awful."
"I need to find them."
"Yeah I get that."
"I have to get out of here, and I'm doing it tonight."
Nicole thought for a moment, she heard the nurse and Alan's conversation and she knew she wasn't going to live much longer and she definitely did not want Alan to give up his life for hers. "Let me help you." She said without thinking clearly."
She nodded and he smiled. "Okay I'll see you tonight." And with that he scurried out of the room leaving Nicole's words to sink in.

Alan walked back in with a white styrofoam boll with a see threw lid and handed it to Nicole. "Yum hospital food." Nicole said sarcastically.
"Just eat." Alan stated sitting back down.
Now how in the world was she going to sneak out of the room if Alan was there? "Alan is something bothering you?" She asked looking at her brothers worried expression.
"No I'm alright." He reassured her.
"Your a bad lier." She said.
"Maybe your just a reader."
"Naw your defiantly hiding something."
"If I get you ice cream can we drop it?"
"Hmmm, let me think. Yeah I guess but maybe if you don't give me sugar free."
"You know why you can't have a lot of sugar."
"Well I mean I'm gonna die anyways." She blurted out.
Alan stared at her as Nicole's eyes threaten to spill tears. "You heard...I thought you were asleep."
"I'm a good actress."
"Your not gonna die."
"Your not either." She got out of her bed and hugged him as her eyes exploded with tears feeling all her emotions come out at once. Alan held onto her tightly refusing to let go.

"I promise you everything is going to be okay." Alan said.
"Yeah I've heard that once before."

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