The found

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Alan and Levi's sister were still looking around when Alan got a call. "Hello?"
"Is this Alan Tomber?"
"This is why?"
"We found your sister."
Alan stopped the car. "Really where is she!?"
"In NewYork-Presbyterian/Lower Manhattan Hospital."
Alan then hung up the phone. "Well I know where they are." Alan stated turning over to the girl sitting next to him.
He nodded and started driving again.

  Eventually they got their destination and Alan stopped and ran out of the car faster than a marathon runner. Lila who Alan found out was Levi's sisters name followed shortly behind him. They ran into the building and Lila's eyes settled on Levi's and she ran towards him. He looked at her a little confused. "Hey?"
"Uh hi....I know you don't remember who I am but I'm your sister." Lila stood her ground.
"I-I have a sister?"
She smiled a little. "Hi my name is Lila." She held out her hand but Levi stood up pulling her into a hug.
"It's nice to re-meet you Lila."
She giggled. "I'm going to go call Mom and Dad." She ran off to use the phone.
This made Levi's decision a lot harder. He just found a part of him and now he was going to throw it away. Yet....he was okay with it.

  Alan ran into the room that he was told that Nicole was staying in. She was sleeping, and hooked up to all these machines. Her heart beat was slow. He was starting to tear up and sat down next to her taking her hand. "I'm so sorry Nicky...this is my fault. I should have never left you. I love you so much...and I can't stand the thought me loosing you. After Mom and Dads death, it became my job to make sure you were always safe, that you were happy. I failed...the only way I can ever feel like I made you or Mom or dad proud is to do what I have to to make sure you live that full and happy life." Nicole squeezed is hand pulling her self up.
"You haven't failed, and I definitely don't want you to give up your life to save mine. I'm okay with the outcome of this situation I just wish I could have gone......alone."  She stated letting go so she could fully sit up and rub her eyes.
They both sat quietly. "If I do make it out of this....I'm guessing I'll be grounded for life."
Alan looked at her, "You definitely will be." He said with a slight smile.

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