Run away

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  Nicole was antsy. She wasn't sure how she was suppose to sneak out of a hospital when he protective brother wouldn't leave her side, and that's when she got an idea. "Hey Al?"
Nicole's asked breaking the awkward silence.
"Can you go home and get me some more colored pens please!?"
Alan looked at the pleading teen and sighed. "Okay." He said.
A smile grew on her face as she thanked him. "Thanks bro."
"Well I might as well leave now, I have to stop to pick something up anyways so I'll be back a little late, is that okay?" He asked her.
"Yeah of course." She knew that this was probably the last time she would get to see him so she got out of her bed again and hugged him.

  Alan was a little confused but figured that Nicole was probably still freaked out after over hearing his and the nurses conversation. He raps his arms around her and held onto her tightly. He heard her start to cry as she choked out some words. "I-I love you." Nicole said not letting go of him.
"Hey it's going to be okay, I promised you I would take care of you didn't I?"' He let go so she was facing him as he wiped away her tears.
"I know but I just wanted to let you know that." She said.
"Yeah I know and I love you too. Now get some rest I'll go get you your pens." He said helping her back to her bed.

  As Alan walked away she wanted to yell for him to come back so she wouldn't be able to leave, but she was being selfish. She knew once she was gone Alan could live his life without having to worry about her. She couldn't help but feel sad, she was going to travel to who knows where with a boy she just meet; and she mad the decision to do so.

   It had become late and Nicole was waiting, she already removed the iv from her arm even though it hurt to do it herself. She wasn't sure how long she would last without  all these machines. She knew that her oxygen tank was a  necessary  thing since she couldn't breath well. The questions was how was she suppose to carry it around without being noticed. This was basically suicide, but she guessed it was better then her brother having to watch her die.

  The door opened cautiously as it reveled Levi who had a small smile plastered across his face. "Hey." Nicole said as she sat up swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
She hadn't been eating well so she was skinner than normal. "Hey, you ready?" Levi asked.
She nodded simply but then pointed to the oxygen tank. "I kinda of need this." She said ashamed.
"That's fine I'm sure we can figure something out. Here let me help you."  Levi offered.
He walked over to her pulling her up with one hand and detangling all of the machines wires until the oxygen tank was by itself.

  Levi started walking and Nicole, skeptical, followed him. He lead her to a door in the back of the he hospital with the words exit plastered on the top in big red letters. "Uh how did you know how to get out of here so fast?" Nicole asked.
He shrugged and walked out of the door helping Nicole walk seeing she was having trouble.
"How bad was that car accident?" Levi asked.
Nicole almost forgot about the lie she had told. "What ca-oh I mean it was pretty bad I haven't walked in a while that's why I'm so wobbly." She quickly saved herself.
"Im sorry that's awful." Levi said.
"It's okay like I said I was the only one hurt."
"You don't look like you have any cuts or anything so that's good." 

  Once they were away from the hospital Levi held out a wallet. "Is that yours?" Nicole questioned.
"I think so I found it next to my bed sighed and it has a picture of me and my family in it so at least I know what they look like."
"That's a plus."
"Yep there's also so,e money in here so I say we get some close so people don't suspect anything."
That was a smart ideas Nicole had to agree with. "Alright but none of us no where we are."
"True but that doesn't mean we won't find anything."
"Yeah your right."

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