Day 4. His Journey

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Alan had been driving for who knows how long. His phone went off and he answered it. "Hello?" He answers.
"Hey Alan, it Trisha." A girls voice spoke from the line.
Trisha was Alan's close friend. "Hey Trisha." Alan said his voice tired and irritated.
"Have you not found her yet?" Trisha asked.
"No...." He said quietly.
"You will, me and Richi put up missing posters and Darcy is also driving around we're all here for you and want Nicole home safe too." She said softly.
"I appreciate all of your guys help I really do."
"I promise everything is going to be just fine. Stay strong Alan were all here for you." With those final words leaving her mouth she hung up.

Alan sighed, looking at the road tiredly, ready to fall asleep. He pulled over and laid back in his seat rubbing his eyes. He was just going to rest, just for a couple of seconds. He closed his eyes, the burning sensation hit him, like when you have smoke in your eyes it's unbearable to let your eyes be exposed to it. That's how his eyes felt but not because of smoke, because his eyes where so dry that closing them stung. He opened them back up and started the car again, speeding threw the open rode as a girl jumped out in front of the car making him hit the breaks. He gripped at his heart, sweat forming on his forehead as he got out of the car to see if the girl was okay.

A girl around the age eight or nine stood in front of him. "Are you okay?" Alan breathed out heavily.
"Yes sir." The girl replied.
"Why where you or in the middle of the street in the middle of the night?" He questioned.
"I'm looking for my brother, my parents weren't looking hard enough, I found out there was a car crash in the Chicago where my brother was staying. So I decided to come her for myself." The girl said.
"That's very brave of you to come by yourself but your parents are probably worried."
"Yeah but not about me."
"Where do you live?"
"Why would I tell you, I don't know you."
"Because you jumped at my car."
"I live in New York."
"Wow and you came all the way here by yourself."
"I have my ways."

Alan looked at the girl curiously. She had dirty blond hair that was pulled into a pony tail on the top of her head, and grayish blue eyes. She had on a black sweat shirt with black jeans. "You do know that if you are going to Chicago it's the other way." Alan stated.
"Yes I'm fully aware of that, I just got back from Chicago I found out some things and now I have a lead where he might be."
"So can I ask again why you where in the middle of the road?"
"This note flew out of my hands, I found it in the hospital room my brother stayed at, this is the only lead I have considering he ran off with some girl named Nicole he met in the hospital."
Alan stared at her, his ears not being able to adjust what she was saying. "What?"
"Yeah I know it's strange he would run off like that but considering he has amnesia it doesn't surprise me." The girl said way to smart for her own good.
"No go back did you say he met someone at the hospital named Nicole?" He asked hoping for something.
"Yes I did, why?"
Alan took a breath. "What hospital did you find that note?"
"At Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital." She said.
"Let me see that note."

The girl cautiously handed him the note as Alan's eyes wondered threw the page. It wasn't a good bye note it was actual notes. Now it cold have been another Nicole but those kind of coincidence just don't happen anymore. "Where do you think they are?" Alan asked
"Well considering he wrote down what address he thought that the house was at which is wrong, and it's been about four days I would say I have no idea."
He sighed. "Let me help you."
"Why should I trust you?"
"Because that Nicole girl is my sister and I have a car which means that we can get places faster and if we were together we can find both of our siblings." Alan said.
"Okay but I get to sit in the front."

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