The boy

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  The standard clock that was placed in every room struck midnight as Nicole laid in the dark hospital room, having woken up five minutes earlier not being able to go back to sleep. She was worried, worried why Alan had left without saying anything, and why he was gone for so long. Him leaving wasn't the thing that bothered her, what bothered her was that he left whiteout saying anything or leaving a note, nothing. Her thoughts where quickly destroyed as a strange boy wandered into her room. "Uh hello?" She asked.
"Sorry....I think I'm lost." He said.
Nicole looked at him, she couldn't really see him since it was dark in her room the only light was the light coming from the hall and even that was very dim. "No it's alright." She reassured him turning on the light on the nightstand by the hospital bed.

She took another look at him. He looked around the same age as her. He had messy dirty blond hair and blue eyes with stitches on the side of his forehead. He had on the same hospital gown as everyone else in this dreadful place. He looked confused beyond meaning. "I should go but I really don't know where I am." He stated.
Nicole sat up. "Wait like you don't even know that your in a hospital?" She asked.
"I'm in a hospital? Yeah well I guess that makes sense it does look like one."
"Well what's your name?" She questioned the boy.
"I don't know." He said holding his head.
"Do you remember anything?" She asked.
He shakes his head and Nicole sighs. "You know you can sit down." She was honestly lonely and was desperate even if it meant talking to strangers.

   The confused boy sat down. "So what's your name?" He asked.
"Nicole." She stated plainly.
The boy played around with his hair running his fingers threw it every once in a while, Nicole decided just to let him be, he would leave when he wanted to, she got out her sketch pad and started to sketch something since she was board out of her mind to say the least. "You like to draw?" The boy asked.
"Yeah I mean I can only do so many things." She stated without letting her eyes wander off of the paper.
"What do you mean by that?"
Nicole was going to explain her heart condition but then stoped not wanting this new stranger to feel pity for her. "I'm just not very talented." She said making up an excuse.
"So why are you in here?" He asked.
Damn, he just had to ask that question. "Car crash." She stated.
"I'm sorry that's awful."
"It's okay no one else was hurt." She wanted to asked him questions too but saw that her questions were very limited considering he couldn't remember anything. She jumped to conclusions and guessed that he probably suffered from amnesia or some sort of memory issue.

  There was commotion coming outside of her door as a doctor rushed in and looked at the boy. "Levi what are you doing in another patients room?" The doctor asked but the boy looked at him confused.
"Levi?" He question.
"Remember he's the patient that was in that awful car crash he doesn't have memory or know who he is." A nurse whispered into the doctors ear but a icky could make out exactly what they were saying and she felt true pity for this boy but quickly shook it off realizing that she didn't want the boy so feel pity for her so she wasn't going to make him have to go threw the same thing. The doctor nodded and glanced over at Nicole. "You know we have a rules about talking to other patients, you should have called for a nurse." He stated.
"Well it's done and over now isn't it?" Nicole said rolling her eyes.
The doctor and the nurse sighed and took Levi and left.

The clock now read one and Nicole felt dead, physically and mentally. The door opened once more and Alan walked through the door way quietly. Nicole jumped out of her bed carful not to rip the iv out of her arm and not to trip over her heart monitor. She ran to Alan hugging him. "Hey." He said holding her close to him.
"You scared me you ass!"
"Sorry I had something I needed to take care off."
"What was it?"
"Nothing to worry about." He lead her back to the bed. "Now get some rest okay?"
She nodded slowly her eyes sealing shut refusing to open again.

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