Day 6: A kiss or a mistake

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   Levi never went to sleep that night. Every time he started to doze off, he would be awoken again by Nicole, she was having a bad night, she would kick and scream in her sleep. When this happened Levi hugged her close to calm her down, which resorted him not getting no sleep. She would fight him while unconscious, kick scratch and scream. He still did his best to calm her down. "Nicole, it's okay." Levi said pushing a strand of hair out of her face that was tear stroked and sweat soaked. She of course couldn't hear him but somehow managed to calm down.

  "I-I'm sorry." Nicole mumbled under her unconscious.
"Hey it's okay." Levi reassured her still holding her close.
" don't get it, I'm sorry you got stuck with me." 
"Don't be sorry I'm glad I met you."
"Im sorry you met me, like I said you don't get it...I have a heart condition Im going to die without a transplant my brother wanted to give his life up so I ran with you." She said blurting out all of her feelings, but she was still asleep.
He finally knew, he knew why she was so ill. He didn't know what to say, and I guess at this point he didn't have to. However now he knew he needed to get her back to the hospital and save her.

  Nicole woke up not remembering her actions from the other night,  she looked over to see Levi as total mess. His eyes had deep  bags under neath them, his dirty blond hair was a ruffle mess, and he had a huge bruise on his cheek and scratches up and down his arms. "O-oh my god what happened!" She asked reaching out to his face to get a batter look.
He just smiled at her. "Its nothing."
"Did I do this...." she asked her eyes filling to the brim with warm tears.
"No no no don't cry! I don't know how to handle people crying I'll start crying and I'll ruin my makeup!" Levi said which made Nicole laugh a little.
"Okay but did I do this?"
"Your kinda a fiery sleeper, but hey it's okay."
She sighs shaking her head.
"I'm sorry Levi."
"Don't sweat it."

  Levi stood up helping Nicole along with her. As soon as she stood up she fell, accidentally kissing Levi on the way down. He caught her before she hit the floor. "I-Im so sor-
Before she could say another word Levi placed his lips back on hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck holding herself up as he held onto her wast. She pulled away for air and looked deeply into his eyes. "W-wow..." she stated.
"Y-yeah wow is right."


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