Chapter Five

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The five boys were watching TV in the living room when they heard the door open. They all turned around to see Yoongi walking in. 

"Hey hyung!" Jungkook yelled. 

"Hey Kookie." Yoongi said as he ruffled Jungkook's hair. "Where's Jin?" 

"He's in the kitchen. Can you not scream in my ear next time Kookie." Namjoon said.

"Sorry hyung." Jungkook said as he laughed awkwardly. 

Yoongi left the five boys in the living room and went to the kitchen to help Jin with making dinner. The five boys soon focused to the TV again until they heard yelling coming from the kitchen. They all turned around to face the kitchen to see Yoongi running out and Jin chasing him with a spatula. 

"If you step foot in this kitchen again at all tonight I will hurt you!" Jin yelled as Yoongi ran up the stairs to the safety of his room. 

"Jin-hyung what happened?" Jimin asked. 

"Yoongi almost burned the food." Jin said as he walked back into the kitchen.

"I'm going to see if he needs any help." Namjoon said as he got up and walked to the kitchen. 

The other four sat and continued to watch TV. Yoongi soon came back downstairs and sat down where Namjoon was. He grabbed his phone and started to mess with it waiting until dinner was done. Soon Namjoon was walking out of the kitchen. 

"Hey guys dinner's ready." Namjoon said. 

The five of them soon got up and walked over to the table. They all picked a spot and sat down so they could eat. Jin then walked out of the kitchen with Namjoon following behind him. They both set the food on the table and then sat down at the only two spots left. The spot's just so happened to be right next to each other.

"Dig in everyone." Jin said.

That's all they needed to hear as they all began to dig into the food. 

~After Dinner~

All seven boys were in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner in a comfortable silence. The silence was broken with a crashing sound. The sound startled Taehyung and he jumped at the sound. 

"What did you break now Namjoon?" Jin asked.

"It wasn't me this time!" Namjoon said as he held his hands up defensively. 

"Then who was-" Jin started asking when he was cut off.

"Sorry." Jungkook said in a quiet voice. 

The six boys looked over to Jungkook who was looking at the ground. He wouldn't make eye contact with anyone. Tae could see that he looked really upset. Soon Jungkook just left the kitchen and ran up stairs. The sound of his bedroom door being slammed shut could be heard not long after.

"Tae why don't you go talk to him." Jin said as he made his way over to the mess.

"But what about the mess?" Tae asked.

"We'll take care of it. Just go make sure Kookie's okay." Yoongi said as he started to pick up the pieces of what used to be a plate. 

Tae then started to walk out of the kitchen the back way as to not to step on the pieces and make even more of a mess. He walked up the stairs and down the hallway leading to Jungkook's room. He walked up to the door and was about to knock when he heard crying coming from in the room. He paused for a minute then knocked on the door. As soon as he knocked the crying stopped. He then heard someone walking over to the door. The door opened to reveal Jungkook, his eye's were red and puffy from crying.

"Yes?" Jungkook asked as he sniffed a little bit. 

"I came up here to make sure you were okay and it looks like you aren't." Tae said as he reached out to hug Jungkook.

As soon as he had his arms around him, Jungkook broke down and clung to Tae like his life depended on it. Jungkook started to sob as Tae hugged him tighter. Tae soon picked up Jungkook and walked into Jungkook's room and sat down on the bed. He held Jungkook in his lap as he cried. He just let Jungkook cry into his shirt not caring if he had tears and snot all over his shirt afterwards. 

After a little bit Jungkook calmed down to just sniffles but he still had a tight hold on Tae's shirt. He just sat there hugging Jungkook waiting for him to be ready to get up. Soon Jungkook calmed down completely and started to get up from Tae's lap. 

"I think I'm ready to go downstairs now." Jungkook said as he walked over to the door. 

"Okay, let's head down and we can play some games." Tae said as he got up to follow him.

As soon as he got up he immediately fell to the floor. He didn't try to get up he just continued to lay on the floor. 

"Ow." Tae said after a little bit. 

"Are you okay?" Jungkook said as he rushed to Tae's side.

"I guess my leg's must have fallen asleep." Tae said as he laughed a little.

Tae tried to get up and succeded. He didn't try to move just yet. He knows that his leg's need a little bit to wake up more before he tries to walk. Once he was sure his leg's were fully awake he tries walking. He made it to the door and waited for Jungkook to catch up before walking out and down the hallway.

They made their way downstairs and found everyone sitting in the living room watching TV. As soon as everyone heard them come downstairs they turned to face them. The two boy's made their way to sit down. Tae noticed there was only one spot left and instead of having Jungkook sit on the floor he pulled the younger into his lap. Jungkook gave him a confused look before giving up on trying to phrase a question and getting comfortable. The other five asked a couple of questions and once those were answered Jungkook asked if anyone wanted to play any games.

Jimin, Hoseok and Tae wanted to play games so the other three left the room to do who knows what so they could play games. Jungkook got out of Tae's lap to grab a controller but immediately came back and silently asked if he could sit in his lap again. Tae just opened his arms and let him get comfortable before wrapping his arms around the younger. The three played games late into the night and early morning. They only stopped when Jin came downstairs at 3 in the morning saying they need to stop and sleep. The three reluctantly stopped playing and walked upstairs to sleep. Tae and Jungkook both fell on their beds and thought about what had happened and what it could possibly lead to.

The next chapter is finally here! Sorry for it being kinda late I went to a weird thing that had food with my family and didn't get back home until late. I also Hit both of my knees on a wooden bench and didn't feel like doing anything but sleeping or I would have updated last night. Expect the next chapter sometime tomorrow. Sorry if the last bit of it looks weird I wrote it on my phone. Enjoy and comment or message me about anything even if it's about something I may have gotten wrong.~Luna

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