Chapter Nine

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It's been two weeks since Tae has talked with Jungkook. Every time they see each other Jungkook adverts his gaze to the ground and walks straight past Tae. It hurts Tae to avoid Jungkook but he must obey Jin. Last time he didn't it didn't end well for Tae. Tae has spent most of the two weeks in his room. He only left to go to the bathroom, take showers, and to eat once Jungkook was back in his room. He also left so he could finish the last two weeks of school. Even that was weird he still woke up early to take a shower but he also left super early with Hoseok so he could still give Jungkook his space. He was getting really tired of all of this avoidance. He sat in his room while everyone else sat downstairs celebrating the end of the school year. Jimin came up to tell him that he could come downstairs but Tae didn't want to make it awkward for Jungkook. Tae just sat on his bed blasting music through his headphones trying to read the book that he had in front of him. He just couldn't focus on the book with everything that was going through his head. Tae let out a sigh and sat back closing his eyes. He didn't notice the person that walked through the doorway to stand next to his bed. He jumped when someone sat on his bed and tapped his leg. 

"Sorry to startle you." Hoseok said as he watched Tae slip his headphones off. He could hear the music still blasting through them.

"I just didn't expect anyone to come in. I thought you were all having fun downstairs?" Tae said as he gave Hoseok a questioning look. 

"We are but I wanted to make sure you're okay staying up here all alone. Jimin said you didn't want to come down but didn't say why." Hoseok said as he got comfortable on the bed. 

"I don't want to ruin Jungkook's fun by going downstairs. I want him to have as much fun as he can so for now I'll give him his space." Tae said as he looked down at his hands.

"He hasn't talked to you yet? I thought he would have by now." Hoseok said as he watched Tae mess with his hands.

"I thought so too but I guess he just needs some more time. I'll give him all the space and time he needs. It just hurts to stay away from him and not talk to him all the time like I used to." Tae said as he tried not to cry.

"I'm sure he'll talk to you soon Tae. Just be patient for a little bit longer." Hoseok said as he stood up and pat Tae's shoulder.

"Thanks Hobi-hyung. I think I'll go downstairs to get something to eat. I won't talk to anyone and I'm going to come back up here afterwards." Tae said as he grabbed his headphones and phone and followed Hoseok out of his room. 

Tae slipped his headphones on again as he walked down the stairs. He made sure Jungkook wasn't anywhere he was going to go and started walking towards the kitchen. He grabbed a cup out of the cabinet filled it with water. He then started to look for something to eat and didn't notice the person walking up behind him slowly. He felt someone tap his shoulder and jumped a little bit. He slowly turned around to see who it was but was surprised to see Jungkook standing there. Jungkook looked nervous standing there and Tae could tell by the way he was messing with his hands. Tae slid his headphones off and when Jungkook looked up at him he looked down and paused his music.

"Hi hyung. I was wondering if we could talk later on?" Jungkook asked as he continued to mess with his hands. 

"Yeah we can do that. Just come find me when you want to talk. I'll most likely be in my room if I don't notice you just tap my shoulder." Tae said as he finally found something to eat. 

"Oh and if you want you can stay down here. I know it's not much fun staying in your room all night. I want you to have fun to." Jungkook said as he made eye contact with Jungkook.

"Okay, I'll probably stay for a little bit." Tae said as he watched Jungkook look down immediately and noticed a small blush on his face. 

Jungkook then turned around and walked out of the kitchen as fast as he could. Tae continued to get his snack then walked out into the living room. Once he did he sat on the couch and started to eat. 

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