Chapter Thirteen

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Tae woke up still holding onto Jungkook. He looked down and found the younger to find him curled up and his face shoved into his chest. He smiled and kissed the top of his head. The younger stirred for a little bit before looking up at him. Tae smiled down at him and waited for Jungkook to wake up a little bit more before talking.

"Where am I?" Jungkook asked and Tae could hear how tired he sounded. 

"In my arms." Tae said with a smile still on his face. 

"I get that but, what room?" Jungkook said as he slapped Tae on the chest.

"In my room. We game in here to talk and play games then I gave you a hickey and we fell asleep." Tae said as he pulled Jungkook's collar down to look at the mark.

"Oh yeah. If you give me anymore I won't be able to walk around my room without a shirt on. I fear someone will see them and question me about it." Jungkook said as he shifted to move away from Tae.

The older gave out a whine as the younger left his embrace. He grabbed Jungkook's shirt and pulled on it but the younger didn't move back towards him. Tae then crawled on his bed so he was laying on his stomach with his arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist.

"Hyung I need to get up. We need to go downstairs before someone comes to wake us up." Jungkook said as he tried to remove Tae's arms.

"But I want to cuddle more." Tae said as he tightened his hold.

"What if someone comes in and see's us? How will you explain the situation?" 

"Fine. You win." Tae said as he released his grip and got up.

He followed Jungkook to the door and out of his room. They walked down the hallway and started to smell food being cooked. They looked at each other before they ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Whoa calm down you two." Jin said as he watched the two rush into the kitchen. "Why in such a hurry?"

"We smelled food and got really hungry." Tae said as Jungkook just nodded furiously next to him. 

"Well the food won't be ready for another couple of minutes. Kookie can you go wake up Namjoon for me?" Jin asked as he looked at the older.

"Sure." Jungkook said as he walked out and upstairs.

"What can I do hyung?" Tae asked.

"You can go wake up the other three. I know if you wake them up you can get Hoseok to wake Yoongi up for you." Jin said as he smiled at Tae.

"Okay." Tae said as he walked out of the kitchen.

As he walked up the stairs he passed Jungkook who was dragging a tired looking Namjoon behind him. Namjoon was mumbling something but Tae couldn't understand him. He just shrugged it off and went to wake up the others. This time Hoseok's door was closed. He walked up and knocked on the door and was met with silence. He didn't even hear shuffling so he knocked again this time louder. He was met with silence again and gave up on trying to knock. He grabbed the door knob and opened the door. He walked right in and found all three of the asleep on Hoseok's bed. Jimin was in the middle with Yoongi on his left and Hoseok on his right with his arms wrapped around both of them. Tae reached over Yoongi and poked Jimin's face. Jimin stirred but didn't wake up. Tae grabbed then grabbed Jimin's cheek and pulled but the boy still didn't wake up. Tae had one last resort and he knew it would wake up all three of them at once. Tae lifted Jimin's shirt a little bit and started to tickle him. Jimin started squirming and woke up. Jimin started to laugh and he ended up slapping Yoongi and kicking Hoseok. Yoongi was so startled that he fell of the bed. Tae stopped tickling Jimin when he saw where he accidentally kicked Hoseok. 

"What was that for Tae? Look what you made me do to Hobi-hyung!" Jimin yelled as he looked over at Hoseok who was curled up.

"I didn't know your leg was in between his or I wouldn't have tickled you." Tae said raising his hands in defense.

"Why did you tickle me in the first place?" Jimin asked once he made sure Hoseok was okay.

"Jin-hyung told me to come wake you three up and my other method's for waking you up didn't work." Tae said as he looked down to find Yoongi still laying on the floor. Tae thought Yoongi hit his head to hard and passed out but with a closer look realized that the older just fell asleep again. 

"Oh, well I'll wake up Yoongi-hyung and then we'll be downstairs." Jimin said as he got off the bed and onto the floor.

Tae turned around and walked out of the room after he apologized to Hoseok for what he made Jimin do. He then walked down the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. When he got there he saw that Jin was done cooking and had set everything out on the table. He sat down next to Jungkook and waited for the other three to come down.

~Time Skip~

They finished breakfast and cleaned up the mess. Once they were done they all went upstairs to get ready for the day. Tae grabbed a set of clothes and went to take a shower. Once he was done he walked back into his room to find Jungkook sitting on his bed. He walked into his room and shut his door behind him. 

"What are you doing in here Kookie?" Tae asked as he put his clothes in the hamper and sat down next to Jungkook.

"I can't sit in my boyfriend's room to wait for him?" Jungkook said with a smile on his face. 

Tae saw that he was moving closer and soon closed the distance between them. Tae started to kiss back immediately. The kiss soon got more heated as they fought for dominance. Tae grabbed the hem of Jungkook's shirt and started to pull it up. They paused only so Tae could take his shirt off completely. Jungkook soon did the same with Tae's shirt and they paused once more so the shirt could be gone. Tae started to kiss down Jungkook's jaw and made it to his neck. He made it to his collarbone's and started to bite and suck around them. He could hear Jungkook gasp when he sucked on a certain spot and smiled. Jungkook pulled Tae back up to meet his face. Jungkook then kissed him again and laid them down so he was straddling Tae's hips and he was leaning over him.

"Now my turn." Jungkook said with a smirk on his face as he kissed down Tae's jaw and neck stopping at his collarbone's.

He did exactly what Tae did to him leaving mark's all around his collarbone's and even on his chest. He was about to continue when he heard the door open and froze.

"Hey Tae here are-" Jimin started but stopped when he saw the situation in front of him. He then smirked to himself and started to speak again. "I came to give you back your headphones but I can see I have interrupted something. I will keep your guy's secret but consider us even now Tae. Oh and you can tell Kookie what I'm talking about or you two can continue what you were doing. Just remember to wrap it before you tap it and that there are five other people in the house." Jimin said smirking as he closed the door.

Jungkook felt so embarrassed that he got off Tae and grabbed what he thought was his shirt. He looked over at Tae who grabbed a shirt and put it on before he sat back down on the bed. He looked up at Jungkook and made eye contact with him.

"Well I guess you can now the secret I have been keeping for Jimin. He, Yoongi-hyung, and Hobi-hyung are all dating but haven't told anyone. I found out when I found the hickey's they gave Jimin." Tae said as he grabbed his phone off his nightstand.

"Nice. I guess we better head downstairs now." Jungkook said as he got up and walked out of the room and downstairs with Tae following behind him.


Yay the next chapter! I like the ending of this one. Hope you enjoy! I'll try to update Can't You Hear Me? sometime soon. Thanks for reading.~Luna

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