Chapter Six

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Taehyung woke up to someone jumping on him. He groaned and tried to push the person off so he can go back to sleep. After about five attempts and failing Taehyung gives up and tries to get comfortable with the person on him. He rolled over and at the same time made the person fall off of him and his bed completely. They fell to the floor with a thud and Taehyung could hear a quiet ow be said. The person sounded a lot like Jungkook. Tae sat straight up in his bed and looked to the floor only to find Jungkook laying there. 

"Kookie are you okay?" Tae asked as he moved so Jungkook could sit on the bed.

"My head hurts a little bit. I guess this is what I get for jumping on you." Jungkook said as he sat down on the bed. 

"What were you doing jumping on me anyway?" Tae asked as he looked at his clock to find it was only 7 in the morning.

"At first I was trying to wake you up but then I got comfortable. I decided to just lay on top of you and steal your heat. I didn't expect you to roll over." Jungkook said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 

"Why were you trying to wake me up so early?" Tae asked as he moved some more to make more room on his bed for Jungkook.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to play more video games. I woke up at 6 and couldn't fall asleep again." Jungkook said as he moved to get comfortable.

"If you couldn't sleep then you could of played games on your own."

"But that's no fun. Game's are always more fun when there are multiple people playing."

"Then go wake up Jimin or someone else I still want to sleep." Tae said as he started to lay down again. 

"You know Jiminie-hyung won't wake up before 9 on a Saturday morning. The only person that I know will wake up at this time is you." Jungkook said.

"If you let me sleep for another hour I will play game's with you. But you cannot wake me up before the hour is up or the deal is off. Got it?" Tae asked as he continued to get comfortable.

"Got it. Can I lay with you then so I don't have to walk back here again?" Jungkook asked as he moved so Tae could get comfortable. 

"Yeah I guess so." Tae said as he finally got comfortable. 

Tae could feel his bed shifting as Jungkook laid down and started to get comfortable. He felt Jungkook curl up next to him to probably try and steal his heat. Once Jungkook was finally comfortable Tae could feel himself drifting off to sleep. He fell asleep to the sound of Jungkook's breathing.

~Mini Time Skip~

Tae soon woke up to the sound of a picture being taken. He looked over to his doorway and saw Jimin standing there with his phone out and pointing it over his direction. Tae looked to see why he was taking the picture to find that he had his arms around Jungkook. Jungkook was still curled up next to him and was still asleep. Tae couldn't help but think that he looked so peaceful and cute when he was asleep. He tried to move his arm's but one of them was pinned under Jungkook. He didn't want to wake the younger so he gave up on moving his arm's and turned his head to Jimin again.

"Are you comfortable TaeTae?" Jimin asked as he smirked.

"Yeah I actually am." Tae said as he smiled.

"Well when Kookie finally wake's up breakfast is ready downstairs." Jimin said as he turned around and walked away.

Tae then turned to look at his clock and saw it was 10. He then looked back at Jungkook and just let his eyes roam his peaceful face. He got startled when Jungkook moved a little bit. Jungkook then moved more and started to stretch when he looked at the way they were laying. Tae could see a blush forming on the younger's face. Jungkook suddenly shot straight up in the bed and looked at the clock. 

"I must have fallen asleep. I was trying to stay awake so I could wake you up and we could play game's." Jungkook said as he turned to look at Tae who was now sitting up.

"Well we can still play game's it's not like we slept the entire day." Tae said as he started to rub the sleep from his eyes. 

"Yeah I guess we can. I kinda wanted it to be just the two of us playing though." Jungkook said as he turned to hide the blush forming on his face.

"Then we can tell everyone else that we want to play alone." Tae said trying not to yawn. "Oh by the way Jimin says breakfast is ready downstairs."

"Okay, let's go eat then we can play game's!" Jungkook said happily as he climbed out of Tae's bed.

Tae soon followed him and they walked out of his room together. They walked down the hallway and to the stairs when they heard voices coming from Jin's room. 

"Wonder what that's about." Tae said as he started to walk down the stairs.

"Why don't we go try and find out what their saying." Jungkook suggested with a mischievous smile on his face. 

"One that's wrong to do and two I'm hungry and would like to eat. If we eat we can play games sooner." Tae said as he grabbed hold of Jungkook's arm and dragged him down the stairs.

"Fine we can go eat. I still want to know what their talking about." Jungkook said sadly as he let Tae drag him to the table.

The two got to the table to see that Namjoon was missing meaning he must be the one Jin's talking to in his room. They sat down and started to eat when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. All five of them looked up to see Jin and Namjoon walking down the stairs.

"Good morning Tae and Kookie. Nice to see you finally woke up." Jin said as he walked over to the table and stood at the end.

"Yeah Kookie tried to wake me up at 7 to play game's. I told him to give me another hour and we ended up falling asleep for another two." Tae said as he laughed a little bit. 

"Well me and Namjoon have some news for all of you then you two can go and play games until later." Jin said as he smiled.

"What's going on later?" Hoseok asked.

"We're all going to a party that some of Yoongi's friends invited us to." Jin said.

"Okay, now get on with the news you two have so we can get on with the day." Yoongi said as he took a sip of his coffee. 

"Okay, so Namjoon and I just thought we should let you all know that we are dating and have been for a few weeks already." Jin said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I KNEW IT!" Hoseok shouted as he stood up so fast his chair would have fallen over if not for Yoongi catching it.

The other's just nodded along to what Hoseok said and laughed at the shocked expression's of Jin and Namjoon.

"You two weren't really sneaky about it. We all found out at some point." Yoongi stated then went back to sipping his coffee.

"If that's all me and Kookie are going to go play some game's." Tae said as he got up cleaned his mess and walked to the living room with Jungkook following him. 


Yay cuddling! I was so happy to write that. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please comment if anything is spelled wrong or doesn't look right to you Jay was asleep when I finished typing this and didn't get to look over it. Jay has finals and may not update her story as often right now and may not get to look over the chapters for this one until the next day so please let me know about anything that is wrong. Thank you for reading!~Luna

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