Chapter Eight

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  I'm sorry for the last chapter. Jay told me there were a lot of spelling mistakes. I wrote the last chapter at around 11:30 last night so I didn't catch most of them and my laptop didn't catch them either. Hopefully this chapter is better in terms of spelling. Enjoy!~Luna


Tae woke up with the worst headache of his life. He groaned as he sat up and instantly regretted it. As he sat up he felt like he was going to get sick. He ran out of his room and straight to the bathroom. Once he felt better he got up cleaned himself up and walked back to his room. He remembered to grab some pain killers for his headache before he left. He got back to his room and crawled back into bed. All he wanted to do was sleep this headache off. Sadly the world must hate him because someone came running into his room and jumped on him. He groaned as he tried to turn around and see who jumped on him.

"Oh you're already awake?" The person asked as they moved to get off of Tae.

"Yeah. I woke up with a headache, got sick and came back to sleep this off." Tae said as he turned around to see Jimin staring at him.

"You don't remember what happened last night do you?" Jimin said with an expression Tae couldn't quite read on his face. 

"I remember some of it but not all of it. Why? What happened? Did Kookie get hurt?" Tae said as he shot up in bed.

"I probably shouldn't tell you. Jin-hyung want's to talk to you at some point today. He's really mad at you." Jimin said as he started to walk out of the room.

"What did I do last night to make him angry?" Tae asked as he got up to follow Jimin.

"I shouldn't tell you. I'll leave that to Jin-hyung." Jimin said as he started to walk down the hallway.

Tae watched as he walked into Jin's room. He started to walk that way when he was stopped. He looked to see who stopped him and came face-to-face with an angry Jin. He moved back and bumped into the wall. It always scared him when Jin was angry so it scared him to no end when Jin was angry at him.

"Good morning Jin-hyung." Tae said with a nervous smile on his face.

"Good morning Taehyung. How's your head?" Jin said and Tae flinched at him using his full name. 

Jin never uses his full name unless he's really angry. He was now very worried about what happened last night to make Jin so mad at him. He was about to ask when Jin grabbed his arm and pulled him downstairs.

"Hopefully we won't wake anyone up while talking down here." Jin said as he walked into the kitchen. 

"What did I do last night that Jimin won't tell me? Why did he go into your room?" Tae asked once they stopped walking.

"You got drunk last night after I told you not to on the way to the party. What were you thinking Taehyung? What if you hurt someone?" Jin said trying not to yell but the anger in his voice was clear. 

"I just had one drink. I didn't think it would've been a big deal." Tae said as he leaned against the counter.

"You had more than one. You had enough that you couldn't think straight and tried to assault Kookie." Jin said as he grabbed a cup from the cabinet. 

"I DID WHAT?" Tae yelled and winced as his head hurt from yelling. 

"Kookie said you had about eight or ten drinks that random people would hand you. You then proceeded to get closer to him and eventually you both were kissing. Kookie pushed you away when he felt your hands trying to undo his pants. He then got up to come find me but you grabbed his wrist and tried to talk him into it. He yanked himself free and found me but you were following him. When we got home he went straight to his room. After I made sure you were put in your room I went to check on him. I found him crying and told him he could sleep in my room if he wanted to. He cried himself to sleep last night while he was curled up against me." Jin said as he filled the cup with water and handed it to Tae.

"Is that why Jimin walked into your room?" Tae asked as he grabbed the cup and took a sip of the water.

"Yes. Last night Namjoon and Jimin came into my room to sleep so they could make sure Kookie was fine. Yoongi and Hoseok we in their rooms so they could make sure you were fine during the night. They said they had to drag you back to your room a couple of times."

"What was I doing?" Tae asked as he placed the cup on the counter.

"They said you were trying to walk to Kookie's room." Jin said as he grabbed a mug from another cabinet and started to make himself coffee. 

"Do you think I can go see Kookie and try to apologize?" Tae asked even though he thinks he knows the answer.

"No, he's asleep and I don't want anyone waking him up. It might also be a good idea to give him some space for right now. Let him come to you when he's ready. Don't try to force him to talk to you. 

"I can't even try to apologize?" Tae asked as he finished the water.

"I don't think he's ready to hear anything from you right now. Just let him think things over. He'll come to you when he's ready." Jin said as he poured the coffee into the mug.

Just then Yoongi walked into the kitchen. He looked at Jin and Tae before walking past them and grabbing himself a mug. He poured himself some coffee and turned to look at both of them.

"How did your talk go?" Yoongi asked as he took a sip of the drink.

"I think it went well. Don't you Tae?" Jin asked as he turned to look at said person.

"Yeah. If you don't mind I'm going to go upstairs and sleep some more. Maybe that'll help this headache go away." Tae said a little relieved that Jin used his nickname again. 

"Take some water with you. You need to stay hydrated." Jin said as he passed him the cup with more water in it.

"Don't even think about trying to go into Jin-hyung's room. I have Hobi and Namjoon keeping watch while Jiminie and Kookie sleep some more." Yoongi said.

"I won't I just want to sleep right now." Tae said as he walked up the stairs and to his room. 

On his way to his room he saw Jungkook walking out of his room with a blanket. They both stopped when they saw each other. Tae opened his mouth to say something but he didn't get a chance to say anything. Jungkook practically ran to Jin's room and wouldn't even look at Tae. Tae felt hurt that Jungkook wouldn't look at him but he deserves it for what he did. He finished walking back to his room and put the cup of water on his nightstand. He then crawled into bed got under the covers and laid down. He cried to himself for being so stupid and hurting Jungkook like that. If he thought he had a chance with him before he probably doesn't now. 

Tae ended up curling in on himself crying and feeling alone. He barley got out of bed for the rest of the day. He didn't want to take the chance of bumping into Jungkook and give him his space like Jin suggested. He texted Jimin to get him for dinner when Jungkook was in different room. He did this to make sure he didn't make it awkward for anyone else and so he didn't make the situation unbearable for Jungkook. After dinner Tae went back to his room plugged his headphones in and listened to music while crying some more. He cried himself to sleep that night. 


Yay another chapter down. I hope you look forward to the next chapter. Please let me know if you found any mistakes in this chapter. Jay was asleep again when I was writing this. Those finals took a lot out of her. Hopefully I can update tomorrow. Gomabseubnida for reading!~Luna

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