Chapter 2 - Cooking disaster

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-Last scene from the previous part:  

Reichtangle: Nein * Feels hungry *

Germany:*says good bye to Poland and leaves the house.*

Reichtangle: I was thinking of making you Kartoffelauflauf ( Potato Casserole ) Polen.

Poland: Then, let's into cookings toghether in the kitchen!

*Poland and the Reichtangle are going to the kitchen*

Omsk bird: *waking up from the meditation phase* Hmm... I have something to say to you mortals. We are doomed.

* Omsk bird swears because nobody listens to him and goes back into the dream world.*-

Reichtangle: Lets see do we have all the Ingredients including potatoes?

Poland: *looking through the fridge* I thinkings tak Niemcy.

Reichtangle: Good, we need to have the potatoes peeled and cut.

Poland: I'll doings it for you. *Poland peels the potatoes*

Reichtangle: Thank you Polen * Gets the Ingredients out and does the rest *

Poland: *Looks at how the food is cooked by master Reichtangle*

Reichtangle: I'm a skilled Cook Polen.

Poland: You are indeed. Let's eat!

*incoming misterious call from Germany*

Reichtangle: Danke Polen * Picks up the phone * Hello?

Germany: Can Ich talk to Polen for ein minutten?

Reichtangle: Sure * Gives the phone to Poland * It's for you

Germany: Polen... Weird paranormal things are happening in ze outside. Everybody izn't acting how they supposted to be. Schweden hates immigrants, Frankreich is not surrender, Russland acts capitalist. It's chaos outside.

Poland: Chaos, you mean the spirits of the dead nations?

Germany: Nein und ya. They are acting weird und some ghosts can be seenen too in ze streets.

Poland: Oh no.....

Germany: Ich will be back in a few minnuttens. If Ich stands so much wit zem, Ich might act weird. Watch your back. Polen... Don't exist ze haus. Otherwise you might act weird yourself.

Poland: Thank you for the warning... I will. Bye! * Hangs up *

Reichtangle: wat did he say Polen?

Poland: He said that everyone is acting weird and the dead nations came back

Reichtangle: Oh no Ich shoun't have responded at the door. Omsk bird was right. Ich shouldn't have left....

Poland: Does that mean you'll never come back to present day?

Reichtangle: No Polen. Ich is a ghost. Ich have made a mistake coming here.

Poland: * Feels sad *

Reichtangle: Don't start to cry Polen. You are stronk not gay.

Poland: Really?

Reichtangle: Ja. Only modern Schweden is gay.

Poland: Oh I see, can we get back to cooking?

Reichtangle: Of course Po- *Germany knoncks on the door*

* Poland goes and opens the door *

Germany:*gets in* *frightened* Ich have seen it all....

Poland: This is not good

Germany: They were everywhere.....The eastern europeans were gay like Schweden und Frankreich didn't surrender.... Ich need air to breath....

*all of them get in the bedroom *

Poland: Maybe some food can help you calm down. Reichtangle and I are making it .

Germany: It sounds like a gut idea.

*all the countryballs are going to the kitchen *

Reichtangle: It's going to be yummy.

Poland: Trustings the Reich Niemcy, he has great cooking skills.

Germany: He really does and so does Italien.

Poland: *eating while speaking* How is Włochy(Italy) now Niemcy?

Reichtangle:*walking with the dishes* Polen don't eat like that. You are going to choke.

Germany: He's right Polen don't talk with your mouth full.

Poland: *gulps his food* How is Włochy now Niemcy?

Germany: He's doing good Polen, I gave him a gentle reminder on his debts, and he's doing it.

Poland: I am missings his pizzas....

Reichtangle: Deutchland?

Germany: Yes Reichtangle?

Reichtangle: Wat did you do after I died?

Germany:.....I had to pay a lot of money since I signed the Treaty of Versailles.

Reichtangle: Und did Ich recover after zat?

Germany: I became the Weimar Republic after that.

Reichtangle: Und after zat?

Germany: * Gets emotional *

Germany: Then........things started to go horrible.....I.....became....Nazi....Germany....

Poland: *starts to get emotional too*

Reichtangle: Wat's a nazi?

Germany: * Breaks down crying * A.........very......very.....hateful.....symbol....

Poland: *holds him back* Why did you remind him about this?


*Sweden breaks the kitchen door with his chainsaw like a maniac*

Sweden: Do you häve a möment to tålk about Jesus Christ?!

Reichtangle: * His eyes glow red and roars like a lion at Sweden *

Germany:*cleaning his tears* Scheise! Don't confront him or you're going to turn! Run! Polen iz there a way out?

Poland: Lets go out at the back door!

Germany: Come on bruder come wit us!

Reichtangle: Coming! * Follows Germany *

*To be continued...*

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