Chapter 5: A family reunion

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-From the previous part...-

* They ran away until Ancient Rome comes up from the ground *

*San Marino and Italy come from the back and surround the others.*

Poland: Niemcy... I'm scared....

Reichtangle: So do I Polen.

Ancient Rome: STOP!

Germany: Wat do you vant from us?

SPQR:Italy, San Marino, Vatican stop this madness! (Ancient Rome) 

-To the actual part...-    

Reichtangle: *surprised that SPQR is on his side*

Italy: Why should a we?

SPQR: My son this is just too much, you shouldn't have gone on that level!

Ancient Roman: My son this is just too much, you shouldn't have gone on that level!

Italy: They are a not acting normal papa! They are a infidels!

Ancient Rome: I mean you boy! what you are doing isn't right!

Italy: But papa! They are a acting weird! I'm a saving them!

Ancient Rome: You asked for it boy * Turns Italy, San Marino, and Vatican back to normal *

Italy: *feels dizzy*

Poland: Włochy are you ok?

Vatican and San Marino: *crushed* Italiano!

* Italy gets off of Vatican and San Marino *

San Marino: Ow...

Italy: Scusa my amico....

Ancient Rome: My child.....

Italy: Papa... Io is a sorry....

SPQR: My child, come give a hug.....

Italy: *hugs SPQR with Vatican and San Marino*

SPQR: * Rocks them back and forth gently *

Poland: Awwwww a family reunion!

Reichtangle: Give zem a moment of time Polen...

Poland: Przepraszam. (I'm sorry.)

*After a massive hug Italy let's go of SPQR.*

Ancient Rome: I have to go my son.....

Italy: Where? Per Favore.... Stay with a us more....

San Marino: Stay with us for just one day Papa.

SPQR: Ego hope Ego can.... Someone named Omsk Bird ordered me to clean the paralels up. Also he asked me to search for someone named Reichtangle. Ego have to go search for him as fast as possible.

Reichtangle: You mean me do I have to leave?

SPQR: Etiam. (Yes) But, there is a problem. The portal is now guarded by the king of those paralel nations. He ordered them to destroy any form of unparalelism and invoke their power. Worst of all, some of this paralel nations are masked and want to be included into groups of survivors.

Russia:*gets scared for a second then gets to normal again*

SPQR: The portal is thousands of kilometers away. It will be a long journey for us.

Poland: Who will give us a ride then to the portal?

Reichtangle: Who is the King?

SPQR: The portal is guarded from everywhere including air routes. Ego is afraid that we will have to walk on foot until we're there. And for the king, Ego doesn't know. Ego arrives here by an only use portal which Ego used.

Poland: I guess we can walk and create a campsite there right Niemcy?

Reichtangle: Ich agree to zat. Ze rest of you agrees also?

Italy: sì
Vatican: sì
Germany: Ja

San Marino: si

Reichtangle: Russland? SPQR?

Russia: да

Ancient Rome: etiam

Poland: Then let's go!

*everyone starts walking*

Poland: You want to make things much funnier? Then let's sing it! *starts to sing horrible polish songs*

Germany:Scheise... Finding shelther is going to take a long time...

Italy: Let a me sing * Sings beautiful Italian opera songs *

Poland: Wowie, nice song....

Germany: Iz fine but do not sing on of Pavarioti's songs.

Italy: grazie Polonia

Reichtangle * Sings the Valkyrie *

Germany: Nice one grandvater.

*they continue to sing songs until they arrive at a shelter spot in the evening*

Reichtangle: Danke
Poland: I need a nap Niemcy.

Reichtangle: After we prepare ze beds Polen.

Poland: Ok Niemcy

* Italy prepares the beds *

*Withteamwork, San Marino and Vatican City get sticks to make a fire. Reichtanglelights the fire up. Everybody jumps into its bed. Italy and his brothers willsleep in one bed. Poland will sleep with Reichtangle. Germany will sleep aloneand SPQR and Russia will also do that. Russia and Germany will guard the placein case of any bandits. If one falls asleep, SPQR will wake up and and do hisjob.* 

-To be continued...-

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