Chapter 26- In the city

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Prussia #1: Ich will give you some water.

Prussia #2: Und Ich will heal you.

Real Prussia: Thank you.

*All the Prussias take care of him in some way.*

Reichtangle: * Feels lonely *

Reichtangle: I want my toy, Polen .

Togo: Give him some time. Let him sleep and you can have him later.

Reichtangle: Ok Togo

Prussia:*feels better*Now, let's go into zat city!

Prussias: JA!

*Everyone goes into the city.*

Togo: So, why are we here?

Prussia: Our job ist to get supplies und kill those who oppose us.

Prussia #1: Ja and then we will get revenge.

Togo: Like you say....*Thinks something wrong is going on*

* Prussia # 2 got the supplies *

Prussia: Zat was fast....

Prussia # 2: Ich know

Prussia: Clones, bring ze supplies to ze shelter bitte. Zen, we will have some fun in ze city.

Prussias: JA!

Prussia: But wait, where did you take ze supplies?

*from afar*

???: HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE!!! Oh boy! Eu think I saw who stole my supplies. Eu will offer them a big fight! HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE!!!

Prussias: Oh nein!

Russia: БЛИАТ RUN!

* The Prussias screams like little girls *

???:* Surprises them from the back*

Togo: Are you who I think you are?

???: Yes I am Brazil

Togo: Oh! Im so happy that I found you here!

Brazil: I am too. Hello mi amigo!

Togo: I haven't seen you since years! How are you my friend?

Brazil: Before chit-chat Eu believe you have some explanations to do... Why did you steal my supplies?

Prussia: fight the enemies we hate.

Brazil: Eu need the supplies to live... Eu already have a sick child with me... How dare you?!

Prussia: Uh oh.

Brazil: Eu is convinced that you are in a better shape than us. Give me the suplies or you will put up with me HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE!

Prussia: Never attack my slaves!

Brazil:*starts to fight with the Prussias*

Togo: Stop this! We can negociate- *is hit by a Prussia*

Brazil: We can?

Togo: Yes ow

Togo: Listen to me. Stop this fight. We can explain Brazil what were you trying to do and end this dispute peaefully.

Brazil: Fine

* They talked *

Togo: So you finally made an agreement?

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