Chapter 11-Searching for problems

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* USA come in and sees what's going on *

Prussia: You idiot!! You are busted! Do something!

Reichtangle: *flies away in his plane version*


-In Poland's perspective....-

*Reichtangle doesn't come back.*

Poland: * Breaks down crying and thinking all the nice things Reichtangle has done for him. USA and Italy comes in and comforts him.*

Poland: Why did he have to go?!! He... was my best friend!

USA: I saw him being behaving weirdly and his go for thing dad, Prussia controlled him.

taly: You should have a listened to a us Polonia, he's a in his a ax-crazy self.

Poland: Still, he saved me a lot of times, but I saw him a little bit last time with Prussia.

Italy:...........*Sighs*......I a do notice....that he's been a bit Obsessive over a you......think about the history.

Poland: *sighs* The pas was horrible....He was a monster....

Italy: He a was and he a annex a you a lot.

USA: I'm fearing that he might be up to something now.

Poland: * Worried *

- Meanwhile back at Reichtangle....-

*Reichtangle lands on an island within a river.*

Reichtangle:*angry* Scheise! Ich could've done it if zey didn't appear!

*In his head* Prussia: Why didn't you do it at ze start you idiot?!

Reichtangle: Just shut up ok?! You're the one that made Polen upset because of you. Now they view mich as an ax-crazy obsessive person because of you!

Prussia: But zat's what you are my son. Do not take their views as insults. You want to eat him. Ich has seen it.

Reichtangle: Ich have anschlussed Polen in the past once since the war. Ich have scared mein poor friend.

Prussia: You are a killer. Zis is what defines you son. Accept it.

Reichtangle: * Unsure but still thinks of all the nice things he had done to Poland *

Prussia: Ah son.... You did realy spent some time with him.... Zat's why you should never approach victims in such a way.

Reichtangle: * Breaks down crying *

* They hear a rustle in the bushes *

Reichtangle: *holding a grenade* Show yourself!

* Comes out. It's the Holy Roman Empire *

Reicgtangle: Wat are you doing here grandpa?

Holy Roman Empire: Reichtangle....I...heard everything going on between you and Polen.

Reichtangle: Und?

Holy Roman Empire: * Explains everything to him *

HRE: Join us. Ich know your desire to kill. We are a league in the hole world ruled by a king. You could give us a lot of help.

Reichtangle: Sure....and you don't view me as obsessive grandpa?

HRE: Nein son. Everyone in our league has the deep desire to kill.

Reichtangle: What if I don't kill?

HRE: If you don't do it you are not welcome in the league. Maybe you could only manipulate others to do it.

Reichtangle:....Well.....Ich'll try......

HRE: Perfekt! Come to us. We will be greatfull.

Reichtangle: Your right I....must...get...Polen....

- Back at others –

* USA makes smores to everyone.*

Italy: Grazie America! At least we a finished the shelter.

USA: Your very welcome. We had done it at least. For our reward for the day, I'm making smores to everyone.

Sealand: What are smores?

USA: It's like a sandwich with gram crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. The chocolate and the marshmallow both melt.

Sealand: Sounds yummy.

USA: It really is Sealand.

* While USA makes smores he sees Poland still sad.*

Italy: Is a there a problema Polonia?

Poland: I miss Niemcy...

Italy: *comforts Poland* *sighs*.... He wasn't a great guy but I get a why you're sad.

USA: * Gives Poland a smore to cheer him up *

Poland: *greatful* Dzięki Mr. America....

USA: Your very welcome Poland. Enjoy!

*everybody starts eating*

Poland: * Enjoys the smores but soon gets a messy sticky face *

Poland: Do you havings a napkin Wochy?

Italy: I a have. * Gives him a napkin *

Poland: *cleans his face*

SPQR: So, what are we going to do now againstus this parasitus?

USA: I think we capture them in a net including Reichtangle.

Germany: Ich like zis ideea but we won't eradicate zem all.

SPQR: We can handus them to Omsk bird. He wants those guys back.

Germany: You said that ze dream world portal is at the king of ze parasites. Remember?

Ancient Rome: Yes I remember.

Sealand: * Eats a smore and gets a messy face *

Italy: You want-a me to give you a napkin Sealand-a?

USA: We could capture them and make them our allies.

Sealand: Yes please Italy.

Poland: But, what if Reichtangle wants to anschluss me?

Italy:*gives a napkin to Sealand* We won't-a let it happen-a Polonia.

Sealand: Thank you Italy!

Poland: Ok and who will set the traps?

USA: To man you up, you and Italy will do it.

Poland: I don't want to be bait.

USA: I'll help you North Pole.

Poland: Thank you...

* Later that night everybody is a sleep *

*riders come from the bushes*

* Reichtangle sees Poland a sleep with USA *

*he wants to take Poland away from them and eventualy aschuluss him, so he aproaches him.*

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