Chapter 16- Puppeteering

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Greece: I know why to stop them.

Germany: Everybody knows why Greichland. Zey are taking over ze palace.

Greece: I mean using Medusa's head, that will turn them into stone.

Poland: Great plan Greece.

USA: Shall we split up to find them? This palace is freaking huge.

Germany: Ja

Italy: In a which teams shall we a stay?

Germany: Ich'll stay in your team.

USA: I'm coming with you too. Israel, Greece, Poland, your majesty and SPQR you are togheter. Sealand and Vatican, you are with us.

Sealand: I'm with you!

USA: Thank you little boy. Are you all ready?

Sealand: I am ready!

USA: Then let's go!

*everyone splits up into two teams and starts walking.*

Poland: * Gets his plunger ready *

Greece: *prepares his mythical powers*

* They hear Reichtangle's laughter *

Poland: *thinking: I am not scared. ... I am not scared*

???: Show yourself!

Poland: *thinking: I am not scared. ... I am not scared*

???: Show yourself!

* Reichtangle comes out *

Reichtangle: Guten Tag, Polen It is anschluss time!

Poland: *hits Reichtangle with his plunger *

Reichtangle: Ow your opposed to me!

Poland: I will never lettings you anchullus me!

???: Greece take out your weapon.

Greece: Ok everyone don't look at Medusa's eyes!

Greece : * unleashes medusa weapon*

Reichtangle: *Being allies before with Greece and knowing his strategies, he doesn't look into medusas' eyes.* Now, cuboid, destroy the queen bee!

Greece: Come on turn that monster into stone!

* Poland still closed his eyes *

*the medusa emits too much light. Everyone closes their eyes to escape. While with the eyes closed, Israel manages to stab the king.*

???: Ow!

*The king is bleeding severly and Poland is cornered by Reichtangle. Everybody is shocked.*

Poland: NO NO!

Reichtangle: Oohohohohoohoh prepare to be anschlussed Polen!

Greece: * Prays for Asclepius to heal the king *

Poland: *seing he is unarmed with his plunger he starts to cry.* Please no.... please...

*Asclepius manages to heal the king a little bit but not in total.*

Reichtangle: Oohohohoohohoho! I am going to win! * Creeps over to Poland *

*Almost veryone was made unconsious during the medusa attack so nobody could help Poland.*

Poland: *breaks down crying* I will doings anything for you... Spare me Niemcy... For the good times spent togheter...

* Then flashbacks begin to hit Reichtangle *

*He remembers how he was singing with Poland in the basement and how he was eating with him. *

Reichtangle: *gets emotional* If only Ich didn't want to be your friend in ze first place.... *sigh* Ich'll make you to be dependent on me Polen. But if you don't listen to mich, you'll suffer in some vays.

* Then he remembers that he made dinner with him at Poland's house *

*Tries to clear his memories but starts to cry. *

Reichtangle: Ich will give some autonomy during ze dependency Polen but not so much. Ich don't vant to hurt you so bitte, do what Ich tell you to do.

Poland: I surrender...

Reich: Danke Polen... You made ze right choice. *transforms Poland into a puppet state and then tries to hug him.*

Poland: * Weeps *

* The others comes in and sees the King and Greece *

USA: Your majesty..... Are you ok?

Israel: Mwhahaha!

???: Help me....

Poland: I'm a puppet state.

USA: *Aproaches close to the king*

*the other countries come close to the scene.*

USA: Your majesty, who did this to you?

???: Israel...

Germany: Polen... * Sees Reichtangle *

Poland: I'm sorry Niemcy... You will understand much later, what is happening.

Reichtangle: Oohohoohohoho see Polen is now my puppet state!

Germany: Polen wouldn't accept this!

USA: Don't worry about him.... I will hunt him down until the end....

???: USA, before I give my last breath I have to tell you something...

USA: What is it?

???: I want to show you who I really am. *gets his cloak off. He is Bandiaterra.*

USA: *poker face*

Bandiaterra: Farewell...*dies* *comes back to life* Also, a while ago I signed a document in which it said that Israel is going to be the next king if I die. *dies again*


Reichtangle: Oohohohohoohoho oh really then fight me my grand son!

Israel: Mwhahahahaahahahahahah! Now guards, take them!

*guards come*

Germany:* aproaches the Reichtangle but is taken by the guards.*

Poland: Niemcy help me!

Reichtangle: *ties Poland with a chain* That vill help stay vith me.

USA: *tries to fight the guards but gets tranquiliazed.*

*the guards manage to capture all the normal countryballs.*

Guards: Sir, where sould we send the normies?

Reichtangle: Throw them in the tower Hohohoohoho!

Israel: I like this ideea!

Guard:Got it! Sending them right up!    

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