Chapter 13- In the way of the king

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*The sun rises.*

Poland: * Yawns * What a night...

Italy: We a know Polonia. Things got very messy.

Poland: It has and I'm just tired

Sealand: I want to sleep too.

Italy: I a know Sealand. Polonia can a you watch a Sealand while a we go with Omsk bird?

Poland: Tak wochy. I will stay here and guard the shelther.

Italy: Good and a stay a out of trouble.

Poland: Ok, I will.

*They are going to the king*

USA: Are we there yet Rome?

SPQR: Not yet.

USA: Ok.

* Later they reached the King's Palace *

*the guards are waiting at the palace.*

Guard #1: Can I help you?

USA: *acting like old Russia* Anything in the name of socialism. We want to see king.

Guard #1: Please right this way.

*everybody enters the palace*

Germany: Wow...very dark...

USA: Stay grouped. We don't want to get lost.

Italy: Ok .

Germany: Wat whould we do now? We do not know where we are and where ze king ist.

Guard # 1: Here we are the door to the throne room.

* He opens the door and they see a king sitting in his throne. *

USA: Oh my god....

Germany: Ich knew it was you all along you jew!

Italy: Germania please...

Israelcube: Thank you for bringing back the previous nations.

USA: We didn't bring them back for you you know?

Israelcube: Then who?

USA: We are bringing them back in their world no matter if you say no or yes to our offer.

Israelcube: Yes.

USA: Hold on, do you actually accept to send your allies to an other world?

Israelcube: Uh......

*Everyone gets confused*

* The real king comes in *

???: What is the meaning of this Israel?! Are you trying to take over and spit on my reputation?

Israelcube: To be sure, yes.

???: *gets Israel off the throne* With what kind of dork you think you are playing with?! I'm no dork Israel. I'll always discover traitors like you.

Israelcube: Fine.....meanie.....*Walks away *

???: Walk away, nosy jew, as you always do. Hmm.... now, what have we got here?

USA: But what have we got here in front of us maybe I should say?

???: Oh right......I see those previous nations. Sorry about that earlier. I was just running some errands.

USA: Doesn't matter. Now, who do you think the previous nations are for?

???: Oh right these are for me right?

USA: We are sending these previous nations back where they belong.

???: Oh my, thank you so much. I am very sorry that those previous nations caused you trouble.

USA: My pleasure King ...... King of.....*thinks deeply*

Italy: Underworld?

USA: That's right....

???: May I take the previous nations?

SPQR: Sure * Gives the king the previous nations *

???: *looks in the buble with previous nations suspiciously and thinks: Should I throw them into the portal or kill those naive survivors?*

USA: Hmmmmm.........Just throw them into a portal and that they will never come out alive.

???: I have one but I'm not going to use it on them no! I will throw you in there! Guards, take them!

Guards: My pleasure! * Takes the previous nations *

???: And for you normies, I will take care of you very well. by throwing you aswell. Guards, you know what to do when normies pass here right?

Guard #1: Returning them to their present day world?

???: Yes.

Italy: Does that means a that we are a not-a in he right world-a?

???: You are in the present day world along with others.

USA: Can we at least make a compromise between the normal nations and paralels?

???: Sure.

USA: I'll be the main negociator for my group.

???: Go ahead.

In a parallel world (Countryball fanfiction -Read the description first-)Where stories live. Discover now