Chapter 15- Too fancy to say dinner

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-At the palace -

USA: Does everyone have their code name in their mind if something gets messy?

Poland: Mine is " Niemcyfan "

Italy: mine is "Bambino"

Germany: Why?

Italy: I a feel like a child inside.

Poland: * Giggles *

Sealand: Aww mine is "Rule the waves"

USA: *Chuckles * Alright you...

*Everyone else tells their code names *

Guard: Come in and right this way please

*Everybody follows the guard*

Italy: * Sees all of the beautiful artwork *

Poland: They are into beautiful paintings....

Guard: Thank you, he really loves to paint.

USA: And he is really talented.

*After a few minutes they arrive at the dining room.*

Poland: Oooooooh

???: Hi and welcome

USA: Hello your majesty!

Poland: cześć.

???: Take your seats and enjoy!

Poland: Dziękuję Ci * Takes his seat *

*Sealand comes next to Poland.*

Sealand: Hehe

Italy: *gets next to Poland*

* Everyone got their seats *

*Waiters are coming to bring the food*

Italy: Oh my such a nice a fine meal

Poland: I know Wochy.

???: Thank you for enjoying the meal.

*everybody starts eating.*

Poland: Your very welcome and thank you

* USA finishes his *

USA: Mind if I played you some music?

Germany: Sure wy not.

USA: *plays this: *

Poland: Hm?

Sealand: *laughs it out*

???: That is a pretty nice song.

Sealand: *whispering* why USA? Why?

USA: Just to give some 80s pop music.

???: That's a pretty nice song.

Sealand:*dying inside*

Italy: What's a wrong?

USA: Sealand are you feeling ok?

Sealand: *whispers about the rickroll meme to USA*

USA: Oooooh right, I see.....I heard that it became a hit. I guess I should switch to something else. I know I can play Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue.

???: Ok, go for it

USA: *plays this: *

???: Oh my, such beatifull music to my ears....

USA: Thank you, this one is my favorite.

???: Now let's cheer for eternal peace!

USA: Ok we should!

*everybody cheers*

???: Thank you

Poland: I want to play my next music, which is " Nocturne op.9 No.2 ". by Chopin.

???: Sounds like a good idea.

Poland: Is there a piano In this room?

???: Yes it's right over there by the fireplace.

Poland: *Plays the piano*

Sealand: Ooooh so nice and soothing

Germany: Ich didn't even know zat Polen could play like zis.

Italy: He plays a bellissimo.

Greece:*stares deeply at Poland*

Germany: Do you have any classical music in you Griechenland?

Greece: I have traditional music

Germany: You can play it after Polen is done with his.

Greece: Yay!

* Poland finishes his *

*Greece comes and plays this: *

USA: This is some nice Greek pop music.

Greece: Thank you.

*various nations continue to lay music to impress the king.*

???: Thank you all for showing me your classical music.

USA: No problem. We all gave our best.

Germany: It was fun.

???: We all had our fun, but we should talk tou you all about the negocitaitions that we made.

USA: Yes we should talk about that.

???: Guards, bring the contracts to them.

* The guards bring in the contracts. *

*eveyone starts to read the contracts*

Poland: Hmmm....

Poland: *sees a strange paragraph in the contract*

???: Is there something wrong Poland?

Poland: I don't agreeings with 1 paragraph.

???: Let me help you with that * Goes over with him *

Israel:*interupts the negociation by coming in the room.*

Greece: Why are you here?

Israel: Are you jealous because I work for the king instead of you huh? I have news for our majesty.

???: What is it?

Israel: You should realy change your guards. Some of the previous nations escaped and are here to brainwash other parallels.

USA: You mean Reichtangle?

Israel: I do not know who. I saw someone running on the hallway and then when I went to see if the previous nations were still there, one of them escaped.

In a parallel world (Countryball fanfiction -Read the description first-)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن