Chapter 10- Betrayal

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Reichtangle: * get'a him out if there saving him*

Poland: Owie...

Reichtangle: Polen be careful. You could die out hier. Are you hurt?

Poland: I believe my side hurts Niemcy.....

Reichtangle: Try to rezist until we find a safe place Polen. Ich will help you there.

Poland: Thank you Niemcy.....

* They found a safer spot *

*Everybody arrives at the safe spot*

USA: Any casualties?

Italy: Wait, where is San Marino?

Sealand: Where is daddy?

USA: They haven't come for a few hours. I'm worried about them.

Italy: I'll a call him * Calls him on his cellphone *

Britain: *responds to the phone*

*Italy gives the phone to the USA*

USA: Dad! Where are you?! We have been waiting for hours!

Britain: I would've come if I didn't get lost...

USA: When is the last time you used Google Maps?

Britain: One year ago. Thank you for the.... Wait, I don't even have signal to the internet!

Germany: Let me help * Goes to settings in Britain's phone and help him setup wifi *

USA: *facepalms himself*

Britain: I'm not used to technology like you are....

Germany: I'm really good with computers especially with iphones.

Britain: *finds a place to hide nearby*

Germany: *helps Britain configurate the wi-fi *

* Germany finally got the wifi to work *

Britain: Yes! Thanks Germany! *searches for google maps *

*someone dangerous is behind the hiding spot*

* They heard a growl *

*The misterious thing takes Britain. He isn't responding to the phonecall anymore. *

Germany: Who's there!

???: Mwahahahhahahha!

Phone robot: Call ended.

Sealand: *turns emotional*

*Reichtangle comforts Sealand *

Sealand: My daddy.... Is gone.....

Reichtangle: Ich..will. take care of you little one.

Sealand: Thank you....

USA: Let me do this. He is my brother tehnically. I believe you got much more important stuff to do.

Reichtangle: Sorry America. I'm just trying to help.

USA: It's alright. We will both help Sealand.

Reichtangle: Ok.

Italy: What a should we a do if we have a no shelter?

SPQR: We should make one nearby now in the trees. The night is getting closer to us and we have two persons missing and one that we actually know what happened to.

Italy: I a agree Papa.

Poland: I hope they will never find us.

Reichtangle: Ich hopes too Polen. Also, you know what ich said back there Polen?

Poland: You'll take care of me and protect me?

Reichtangle: Ja Polen. Ich will heal you. USA, while you're building ze shelter with ze ozers kan Ich take care of Polen? He is hurt and Ich will heal him.

USA: Sure Reichtangle please do.

Italy: *gives a suspicious look*

*everybody begins to collect materials for the shelter and Reichtangle hides with Poland -in case that the paralel nations appear- to heal him*

Poland: Hehehe that tickles, the healing Niemcy.

Reichtangle: Hold still Polen. If you don't it will tickle you harder.

Poland: Sorry.....* Stays still *

Reichtangle: *heals Poland*

Poland: * Breathes gently *

Reichtangle: How do you feel Polen?

Poland: I feel better Niemcy. thank you for healing me

Reichtangle: No problem Polen. Let's get out und help ze ozers build ze shelther. *Thinking to himself: In this rythm, if ich will help Polen all the times in need Ich might be able to make him fully dependent on mich and join mich.*

*Poland and the Reichtangle get out of the hiding spot.*

* Reichtangle soon hears voices in his head *

???: Reichtangle......anschluss...him!

*In his mind: Ich can't do that now! He has to agree the offer to join me*

???: Do it or I an order!

Reichtangle: Who are you to give orders to the Mighty Reich?!

???: I am your sub conscience, Prussia.

Reichtangle: How can you dizolve mich? You are just a figment of my mind?

Prussia: I guess I have no choice but to possess you!

Poland: Niemcy stop it your creeping me out!

*In Reichtangle's head: *becoming his old version again* Stop it Prussia! Ich will do zat! Ich wanted this from ze moment when Ich came. Ich was only delaying ze moment to gain Polen's trust. Why should I wait?

Poland: NIEMCY PLEASE STOP IT! * Starts crying *

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