chapter one: is it really me you're looking for?

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm back at it again with a new story! Hope you'll like it, don't forget to tell me your opinions in the comments. If you haven't read my other stories yet, go ahead! Anyway, have fun and enjoy! ❤
Stephanie was watching her favorite show, "Brooklyn nine-nine",until the phone rang.

"Ugh,it's probably for my sister again. I'm all out of ideas to what to say so they would shut up." She thought and answered the phone. "Hello?" She asked with a bored voice (the voice you have when you answer your mom or boss when they tell you to do something.)
"Is Rachel home?" Asked a boy who steph didn't recognized.

"Omg,what do I do?!"

"Umm, she died eight years ago,bye!" Said steph quickly before hanging up. She sat back down and returned to watching the show.

That was her everyday life. She would simply go under the radar while her sister will be the center of attention. People will always call home, asking for the beautiful, adorable and charming Rachel Cordato. Some of them never knew that Stephanie was her identical twin sister. Because of all the calls, her sister made her answer all the calls with an excuse so she won't need to talk to them, but her sister never knew how sad Stephanie felt every time someone asked if Rachel was at home. And the guy who called earlier was already the fifth one TODAY. Stephanie felt as if every time the phone would ring, she would die inside a little. Two hours passed, and Stephanie was at home alone, like every Friday night. It's not like she didn't have friends, she had her best friend Kylie, but Kylie moved to London last year, and Stephanie was so unnoticed, that it felt useless making new friends. Her relationship with her sister weren't great ever since they were little, which is why her sister never bothered to take her with her on any parties or friends hangouts. She sat in her room, writing more things into her diary while hearing some quiet music, like every Friday night, until the phone rang. Stephanie rolled her eyes before going downstairs to answer.

"Hello?" Stephanie asked with the same iterated voice as always.

"Umm, is Stephanie Cordato home?"
Asked some boy. Steph's heart was beating faster then ever, her mind was bringing up possible scenarios to why would someone want to speak to HER and especially a boy.

"I-I'm Stephanie Cordato." She said as her mind became blank. "Oh hey, it's Matthew,from English class. I have something to give you, so... Come to the mall in half an hour. bye." he said quickly before he hung up. Steph stood in place for five minutes until she realized that she's actually going out on Friday night for the first time in two years.

She went up to her room and put her favorite dress. She did her hair and put some perfume. All of this made her feel like an actual lady. She got out of the house and quickly made her way towards the mall.

She waited silently by the entrance to the mall, eyeing all the pretty clothes and products that are inside, wishing that someday she'll be able to buy them for herself. Loud music was blasting through her earphones, the need to be insulated from the rest of the world is very much needed. Her mind was filled with questions and thoughts. Some thoughts terrified her, some were pleasant to think off.

"What if he's doing a prank? What if someone is laughing at me somewhere for dressing up nicely for a meeting that is never going to happen? What if he is actually going to tell me that he thinks I'm cute,or maybe that he always noticed that I'm different from my sister." She kept listening to the music as time went on, her heart beat won't slow down at all. She was about to literally explode, until she felt someone tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around with a gasp before facing no other then Matthew Patrick.

"Hey steph, sorry I'm late,I had to tidy up my room before leaving and my room is a mess." He said with a chuckle, making Stephanie laugh nervously. "Are you alright? You look a little pale?" Asked Matthew, who seems concerned. "Oh no, it's OK. Umm..what did you wanted to tell me?" She asked, getting right to the point. The whole small talk made her feel uncomfortable.
"Oh right, let's go to the back yard, I'll tell you there." He said and they headed towards the back yard. It was still tense between them, and staph was 100% sure that it was because of her and her introvert traits.

"So what is it? I'm curious." Asked Stephanie as she looked around the beautiful yard. "I wanted to give you this." He said and took something out of his bag. Steph turned around so she can look at what he gave her. Her mind thought immediately about a love note or something like that, but instead, all she saw was her English notebook. "You forgot this at school, and I couldn't just leave it there,so here you go." He said as he handed it to her. Stephanie could feel her heart breaking to the sight of him leaving. "Wait, where are you going?" She asked with a frown.

"Please don't leave me." She said internally.

"I have to meet my friends. I would've stayed longer, but I'm already kind of late. Sorry." He said and kept moving towards the doors. "Oh,OK....I'll here." She said with a shaky voice as she sat on the floor, her legs weren't able to hold her shaky form. Matthew was about to go back inside the mall, but then he heard something like...Crying from behind him.

He turned around and saw Stephanie on the floor, she was crying and mumbling something he couldn't quite hear because of the distance. He came closer so he can hear her better. "You're so stupid Stephanie, you actually thought he would want to hang out with you? You'll always be invisible to the world, so what's the point of trying?" She said to herself.

Matthew's heart broke after hearing those words. "What does she means by invisible?" He questioned himself. Matthew knew he had to do something. After all, he can't just leave her here like this on a Friday night.
"Umm Stephanie? Would you like to come with me to meet my friends? I bet you don't want to be alone on a Friday night." He asked with a kind smile on his face and with his hand in front of Stephanie, so he can help her get up from the floor.

"What? Do you really want me to come with you? But...I don't want to be a burden to your friends.." She said with her face staring at the ground. "Oh don't worry about it, you won't be. It's always exciting to meet a new person once in a while." He said with the same kind smile and moved his arm closer, hinting her to take his offer of help. A teary smile escaped her lips as she grabbed his hand and got up. Without another word, they started to go to his friend's house. Stephanie didn't feel this happy in a very long time.

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