Chapter Seven: mischievous plans, Irish cream and poor desicions

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A/N: yup another chapter which is actually longer than what I usually do and it's a fluffy one. Warning tho: you'll get a cuteness overload. Enjoy! 💗
Previously on The Invisible Sister:
Matthew is suspecting that Stephanie's sister, Rachel, hates hates Stephanie's and Austin's relationship as much as he does.
Matthew left his house the morning after, at 7:20 AM. Even though his school day starts at eight, and he usually leaves the house at 7:30 AM,  He could not handle more "Stephanie and Austin action" happening on the other side of the road.

He arrived to school at exactly 7:30, and without even putting his books in his locker, he went to his private place in the back yard of the school. He played on his phone to pass the time that's left. He was  bored from the lack of company until he heard voices from around the corner. "I don't like you hanging around with my sister like that Austin. I don't even know my sister anymore because of you!" A voice that matthew figured that was blong to Rachel said, and a weird chuckle came right afterwards.

"You can't fool me Rachel. We both know that if you had the opportunity to choose between your sister and your popularity you'd choose the second option. You don't care about your sister, so why suddenly you're so against our relationship?" He asked with an evil knowing smirk that Rachel grew to hate.

"You don't know anything about me and Stephanie OK? I might not show my affection often, but she's still my twin sister, and you're going to leave her heart broken and hurt when you'll get bored. Just like you did to me." She replied, and even though matthew wasn't looking at them, he could hear the anger and venom in her voice.

"Ugh, you'll never forget me that, won't you? Well anyway, you might be Stephanie's sister, but Stephanie still has a mind of her own, and I don't think that she'll want to break up with me anytime soon." He said mischievously before walking away. "Ugh, go to hell asshole!!" Rachel shouted at him, yet he just kept walking.

Matthew was still staying hidden, but all he wanted was to go and beat the crap out of Austin Wood. He looked around the corner, and saw Rachel leaning against the wall, her head in her hand and a heavy sigh is escaping her lips. "So she does care about Stephanie? Huh, Interesting..." Matthew finally reviled himself, and went to stand next to Rachel.

"So, how are we going to separate them?" Matthew asked casually,  as if he was standing there the entire time. Rachel then looked up at him, and sighed for what seemed the millionth time. "We can't... Austin's right. For the first time in forever she has a boyfriend. Trying to talk her out of it will only make it worse. BUT, I'm pretty much sure that she won't do the same mistake that I did with him."

"What mistake?" Matthew asked in interest, and Rachel suddenly looked at the floor, as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Losing my virginity to him..." She said in a voice that was barely a whisper, and matthew's eyes opened wide in shock. "I hope you're right. Seeing them together makes me angry...I don't know why."

That was a total lie. He liked Stephanie. Like, liked liked Stephanie. And now the one she kiss is an asshole that will probably ditch her after he'll sleep with her. Ugh! Why do girls find the "bad boys" cliché so interesting?!

"There is one small thing that we can do. Or more precisely, you can do."
Rachel said, and her eyes lit up with excitement and mischief. "There is? What is it?"

"Just the one feeling that she'll never be able to resist to. Guilt." Rachel said while looking at him, hoping that he'll see what she's trying to say. Once Matthew understood a low voiced "ohh" came out of his mouth, followed by a smirk.

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