Chapter Three: He's My Boyfriend

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A/N:hello there! Here is another crapy chapter. Hope you'll enjoy it though. About the idea I wanted to publish, I will publish it very very soon, so please tell me your opinions on it once I'll publish it. MorMor, peace.
Previously on The Invisible Sister:
Stephanie stayed at Mark's house with the rest and had a blast. Mark, Nate and Morgan suspect that Matthew has feeling for steph.
Stephanie got woken by her alarm clock to a beautiful Monday morning. Well, as much as a Monday morning can be. She got up from her bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. She always woke up early in the morning so she'll have the house all to her self. After she finished her shower and brushed her teeth, she put some clothes and went downstairs to make breakfast for everyone. Once she was finished with the cooking, she took a plate and ate her food with delight. It might sound a little narcissistic, but she liked the food she made, it was the best in her mind. After finishing eating and washing the dishes, she left a note on the door that told she was out and went outside.

The hour was 7:10 am, and school would start in 50 minutes. Even though school wasn't so far from her house, she always liked to take her time and look at the streets who has barely woken up. She always took her Polaroid camera when she left for school. The early morning vibe made everything look almost artistic.

She walked down the street calmly, thinking about nothing in particular, until the memory of Friday night and Saturday morning popped into her mind. "I had so much fun with them. They were so nice and kind to me,even though they don't know me. I hope that it wasn't a one time thing, that would be so sad. Do they even remember me?" She wondered. She was so excited about the fact that she has friends again, So much that if it was something like a "one night stand", it would break her heart. "Just the thought of that makes me want to cry. I'm so pathetic." She said internally as she shook her head, as if trying to make the bad thoughts go away.

She kept walking, until she reached the bench she would always sit on when she has a lot of time to waste. It had the view of the trees and the buildings. Somehow pictures that were taken while she was sitting on this bench were the prettiest. She took pictures of all sorts of things around, until she saw through the camera's viewfinder, a boy who she recognized immediately.

"Matthew! Over here!" She shouted towards him. Matthew turned around to look at the source of the voice, and when he saw it was stephanie, his face lit up with happiness. "Hey Stephanie,what are you doing outside at this hour?" He asked her once he crossed the street. "I could ask you the same thing. What are you doing here at this hour?" She asked with a smile. "I don't know,I guess I like the silence. Now tell me your reason." He said with the same smile as hers.

"I like how everything looks at this time. And when I go out, it feels like I have all the time in the world." She replied. "Interesting. Well, now that you're here, wanna walk with me?" He asked with hopeful eyes. "I don't see why not." She replied with a kind smile and they started walking. They walked in silence towards the school, this time it was a comfortable silence, which actually made steph weirded out by herself. Usually it takes time for her to open up to people, it was even like this with her best friend Kylie. But the fact that the silence was comterble for her, made her feel as if they're friends ever since birth.

After a few minutes, they reached the school building. Steph was about to say goodbye and go to her locker like she would always do, but then matthew grabbed her hand, making her heart skip a bit. "C'mon,let's go meet the others." He said as they walked towards the school's yard. Surprisingly, Mark, Nate and Morgan were already there, talking about video games.

"Hey guys,look who I met on my way yo school." Matthew said as he looked at Stephanie. "Oh hey Stephanie." They said in unison. "Hey everyone. It's nice seeing you again." She said sincerely. Even though she felt shared about how the day would be, she was happy that Matthew brought her with him. "It's nice to see you too." Morgan said with a smile. Stephanie looked at the ground shyly, until they brought up events from the time they hung out on the weekend, making stephanie laugh.

They kept talking until the bell rang, and stephanie had to run to her locker to get the books and go to class.
"Bye guys, see you later!" Matt said as he started walking. Steph looked left and right before going to catch up with him. "Hey Matthew." She said to him making him smile a small smile. "Hey Stephanie." He replied as he kept looking forward. "I was wondering if..if you would like to come over to my house?to do english H.W." she said awkwardly.

"Um yeah sure. So when do you want me to come over?" He asked. "You can come now, or at 4. But now would be better." She replied as they kept walking.  "Ok, let's go." He said with a grin and they went to her house. After ten minutes, they were finally there. "Welcome to my house. Want anything to drink? Eat?" She asked as she went to the kitchen and he sat down on the couch.

"Um, do you have diet coke?" He asked. "Yeah I do." She replied and poured some into two cups and gave him one. "Thanks. I think we should start with the homework, don't you think?" He asked. "Yeah sure. Let's go to my room, it would be more comfortable up there." She said and they went upstairs.

Matt didn't know why he even imagined how her room would look like, but it was not what he imagined at all. Her room was light blue, with lots of books and pictures of a girl he knew that left to London. It was not an average teen girl's bedroom, but that only made her look more interesting in his eyes. They started homework, and much to their surprise, finished them quickly.

"So what do you want to d-" Stephanie started saying, but was interrupted by the sound of the house phone ringing. Steph sighed and rolled her eyes before getting up and going to answer it, Matt following her. "Hello? Is Rachel home?" The not who called asked. "No she's not. And by the way, you're not the first person who called, so just give up right now. Thank you." She said with annoyance and hung up before the boy could say anything.

"What was that about?" Matthew asked. "A lot of people are calling home and it's always for my sister. So one day she told me to pick up and say that she's not home, but now it's my job to make up stupid excuses. And the worst part is that... Ever since my best friends moved to London with her family, I have a hard time to find some other company. I was always jealous of my sister for being so friendly, and I'm not like this at all. I hate people in general, so it's hard for me to talk and make new friends. That's why I was so thankful when you helped me that night and introduced me to your friends." She said and then sighed. She finally told him what she wanted to tell to a lot of people but never had the guts to.

Two hours of Binge watching (?) Brooklyn nine-nine later, the door opened downstairs, followed by Stephanie's mom calling her name. "Let's go downstairs." Stephanie said and they went downstairs to meet her family. Downstairs were Stephanie's parents and her identical twin sister, Rachel. "Hi sweety. Who's this?" Asked Stephanie's to the sight of the boy she  didn't know. "He's name is matthew, were studying English together. And he's boyfriend." She said with a bright smile.

"Wait what?"

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