Chapter Four: Faking It

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A/N: Heyy guys, guts what? I cane back from the dead with another chapter Yay!! So enjoy ❤
Previously on The Invisible Sister:
Stephanie gets closer to her new friends and gets even closer with Matthew. When Matthew goes to Stephanie's house, she surprising him by telling her family that he is hee boyfriend.
"Wait what?!" Matthew asked in shock. "Did stephanie just call me her boyfriend?"

"For about...two weeks now?" She asked him, as if he knows the right answer. "Stephanie, a word?" He asked eagerly and took her to her room that was up stairs. "Why are you telling your family I'm your boyfriend? No offence, but we know each for like, a month." Matthew asked in wonder.

"Matthew, you don't know what's it like for me to be the one that never bring boys home or never dates while my sister has a new boyfriend every other week. I know that putting you in this situation is a dumb move, but now I finally have the chance to prove them that I'm not do different from Rachel. Just pretend to be my boyfriend for a while and then we'll 'break up'. Please?" She begged with puppy eyes.

"Fine, fine. But if they ask me something I don't know, I expect you to come to the rescue." He said in a warning tone, making steph smile a toothy smile. After that, they came back down stairs to see that dinner was already happening in the dining area. The smell of spaghetti and meatballs filled the room, making both of their tumies(?) growl.

They sat down next to each other, each putting food in their plates and digging in. Matthew could feel as if someone's staring at him. When he looked up, he could see Stephanie's parents and her sister's eyes on him. He gave them a nervouse smile before another bite from his food.

"When did you became an item?"

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"What do you even see in her?"

Steph's family asked him a bunch of questions out of nowhere, making him choke on his spaghetti. "Guys, stop! You don't have to answer Matthew." Stephanie assured him, but he only waved his hand dismissively and answered their questions.

"It all started when she forgot her English notebook at school and I called to say that I have it. We met at the mall so I can give her the notebook back, and when I finally gave it back to her, I realized that I want to get to know her better. After a while,I realized I also want to be more then a friend for her. So I asked her if she want to be my girlfriend, and she said yes. My intentions with her are to love her and be a good boyfriend as much as I can sir. And I see her true personality and her beautiful looks. That all I see in her." He said while looking at Stephanie with a warm smile on his lips.

Stephanie almost cried from his kind words, but didn't once her mind remembered that it's just an act. For some reason, she felt sad at the fact that those words didn't actually mean anything. "Wow, such a nice young man, isn't he sweetie?" Steph's mom asked her husband, to which he replied with a single nod of the head and a satisfied grin. Rachel only rolled her eyes at the sight.

"Their relationship must be fake. She can't have a boyfriend now! Plus,why would anyone want her...when they can have me?" She thought to her self and a silent scuff came out of her mouth.

After dinner, Matthew went home. When he got back to his house, a text message was sent to him. It was from stephanie.

Thank you so much for doing this.
I owe you 😉

Matthew chuckled at the text before he went to sleep.

The next day, matthew and stephanie went to school together again. When they got to school, matthew waited next to her until she's done with putting books in her locker. Acroos the hall, Rachel was staring at them. They weren't acting much like a couple in her eyes, which made her arch her eyebrows in question.

"There, all don- oh shoot, Rachel is looking our way. Quick kiss me!" She said quietly and closing her eyes. "Wait what? No!" He said in a loud voice, making a few heads turn towards them. "If you won't kiss me now, Rachel might tell my parents that we're not really dating, so just do i-" but steph couldn't completeher sentence before Matthew connected their lips to a kiss.

Stephanie's eyes were wide open, looking at Matthew's closed ones. She knew that she asked him to do it, but it was still very shocking and extremely awkward. After what seemed like forever, he finally backed away from her, looking everywhere but her. "I-I'll see you at lunch,bye." He said before running away. "Oh my God Rachel, why do you have to be interested in me so much just because I said I have a boyfriend!? Now I have to act like this with him all day,and it will be awkward!" She thought before the ball and and she went to her class.
It was now lunch time. Stephanie and Matthew sat in a table alongside Mark, Nate and Morgan. While the other three were having a conversation, Matthew and Stephanie were silently exchanging awkward glares, which made her feel guilty about the fact that even when she finally has new friends, she ruins it in the end.

"Heyyy guys." Stephanie's sister said suddenly and sitting next to Stephanie. "What to you want Rachel?" Stephanie asked in annoyance. It was obvious that whenever Rachel was being nice around her, she wanted something. "Oh don't worry steph, I'm not here to bother you. I'm actually here to invite you and Matthew for a party my friend is having. You can invite your... New friends, also." She said while looking at Mark, Nate and Morgan in disgust.

"Oh wow, I guess you really need me this time don't you... Sure,we'll come. You can go now." Stephanie replied and Rachel walked away with a smile of victory that made her look even more suspicious in Stephanie's eyes. "That was weird. She never talked to us before,and also, why would she ask you and Matthew to go with her to a PARTY?" Morgan asked steph in confusion, which made Matthew and stephanie exchange a "wide eyes" look.

"It's actually a funny story, when Matthew came over to my house yesterday, I may have told my family that he's my...boyfriend?" She said in almost a whisper, making the others eyes go bigger and to their mouths go open wide. "Wait what?! Why?" They all asked with several more questions. "Because I wanted my parents to finally understand that I can be like my sister too. So if my sister asks you if we're really dating, can you please tell her that we are?" She pleaded. The others only rolled their eyes and nodded.
The gang stood in front of the big house. Colorful lights were seen from the big windows and loud music could be heard until the end of the streets. It wasn't the type of things they usually did in their spare time, so the whole thing was defiantly new to them. "C'mon Stephanie, let's go in." Her sister said from beside her while grabbing her hand and dragging her in, making the rest of the gang follow.

The extremely loud music was hurting their ears, and the sight of all of those drunk didn't help their mood either. It's weird how they've always wanted to go to one of those parties, not realizing how those places are just not for them. "Steph, let's go dance!" Morgan said loudly and took steoh to the dance floor. Mark and Nate, who hated this party, went to get some booze do they can get a headache and forget about the party in the morning after. Matthew eventually was left alone with Rachel, who kept looking at her sister and at Matthew.

"You know, I would understand why you would say those things near my parents. All the reasons you love her and that. But between you and me, what do you REALLY see in her?" She asked him in confusion. Matthew looked at Stephanie back at the dance floor. She was much worse in dancing than Morgan, but she didn't let it to ruin her mood. She was really having a good time.

"Like I said, I see intelligence, I see her inner and outer beauty. I see...her. Nothing more than that." He said with a grin. But this time... He didn't lie. Seeing her laughing at her own dancing and doing those same ridiculous moves, made Matthew feel something that he never felt before. He had butterfly's in his stomach, and he felt happy.

"I was supposed to just say thing that a boy in love would say...but I was telling the truth. Could I be...."

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