chapter two: it's less awkward when I'm with you

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A/N: omg I'm solo sorry for not updating in so long. I'll work harder on this story I promise! Also, I had an idea that I really wanted to do a story on, and I don't want yo wait until I'm don't with "the invisible sister", so just to let you guys know, I'll tell you next chapter if I'll publish my idea or not. BTW, in this chapter I used a horror one shot from wattpad. I don't quite remember where I read it, but just so you know that it's not mine! Welp, enjoy! 💕
Previously on "The Invisible Sister": Stephanie got a call for the fist time in awhile from a student who study English with her. They meet but Stephanie breaks down after the meeting didn't went like she expected it to be. Matthew then convinced her to join him to his friend's house.
After Matthew and Stephanie left the mall, they headed towards Matthew's friend's house. The walk was silence, and steph, being shy and awkward as always, couldn't not feel uneasy. She was about to break the ice, just when Matthew stopped in front of a house she didn't recognize. "It's probably it." She thought as they went to stand in front of the door.

Matthew knocked three times, making steph's heart to beat faster without even knowing. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a boy with dark brown hair and glasses. "Oh hey Matt, we've been waiting for you!" Said the boy as he opethe door wider so they can come in. Stephanie went in quickly and sat on the couch, waiting for someone to make the first step and talk with her first.

Matthew was about to join her on the couch and help her to calm her awkwardness, until Mark grabbed his arm and took him to the kitchen. "Who is this girl? Are you two dating or something?" He asked with a small smile, convinced that his best friend is finally getting some "sweet lovin'" from a girl. "What? No. She's just a girl from my English class who needed some company. You're not mad that I brought her without telling you, are you?" He asked as he bit his bottom lip.

"It would be really bad if I'll have to kick her out after she literally CRIED back at the mall."

"No, not at all. We we're about to watch a movie, so bring the popcorn and snacks to the living room while I prepare the movie." Said Mark and walked put of the kitchen. Back at the living room, Stephanie was staring at her shoes, scared of how Matthew's friends are going to treat her. "Oh hello,who are you?" Asked a girl's voice.

Stephanie looked up to see a boy and a girl holding hands like a couple. "O-oh,I came with Matthew, I'm Stephanie." She said with a small smile as her cheeks we're becoming redder by the second. "I'm Morgan and this is Nate. Nice to meet you. Wait... You look like someone from my math class. Are you related to Rachel cordato?" Morgan asked. Stephanie sighed on frustration before replying."she's my twin sister."

"Oh, I see. Anyway, We're about to watch a movie, c'mon." Said Morgan as she took her hand and led her to  living room. Just as Stephanie, Morgan And Nate sat down on the couch, Mark and Matthew came in to the room, and it didn't took long before the movie started. Stephanie had to admit, that she didn't laugh this much in a while.

After the movie ended, the boys played video games while Stephanie and Morgan spoke about their interests and hobbies, and it seemed like the both of them had a lot in common. Steph looked at the big clock that was on the wall, only to find out that it was 1 am. "Oh no! It's one am! Now I won't be able to come back home." She said in sadness. "Oh don't worry, we plan to sleep here anyway. Mark, you have another sleeping bag, right?" Asked Matthew. "Yeah, I do. Don't worry Stephanie, you can sleep here. It's always fun when there are more people anyway." Replied Mark with a smile.

"Wow, they are so nice." Thought Stephanie as a small grin made it her face.

After a few minutes they all were in their sleeping bags, and telling scary stories.
"So steph,what about you? Do you have a spooky story?" Asked Nate as he put the flashlight under his chin to make him look scary. "Umm...oh I have a good one! Give me the flashlight." She said to Nate and he gave her the flashlight. She did the same as Nate and started to tell her story.

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