House of Curiosity

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The letters were engraved on the rusty tin in scratchy, terrible handwriting... nevertheless, was still legible. It looked like it had been done by a knife or something.

"What's Sibuna? Is that a... fancy... English term you all use?" I question and Lela laughs, shrugging.

"I don't think I've ever heard of that word before, so I'd say no." Lela says and comes over to me to have a look at the word too.

"Hmm..." she pauses and turns her head to the side slightly, "nope. Never heard of it." she states. I stood up from my crouching position and dust myself off.

"We should probably head back, I think supper is almost ready." I say and Lela nods at me before we exit the clearing in the woods, next to the burnt out tree.

Once we entered the house, Cora runs up to me a worried expression on her face.

"Where were you?" she asks, looking at me and then at Lela, all of a sudden she stands up straighter. She looked confused now and slightly concerned.

"I had a walk with Lela." I tell her, looking at Lela with a large smile in which she smiles shyly back at me, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Okay. But Oliver told me that you was crying before... are you alright? Did something happen? Who made you cry?" she asks frantically. I watched as Lela walked off into the living room and sat down next to Harry on one of the couches. He was looking at me.

I looked back at Cora and sighed, "I'm okay now, Cora. I promise. I'll tell you about it later... just not now." I say and Cora nods slowly.

"Right, well, supper's almost ready." she says bluntly, before going into the living room area whilst I go upstairs and back into the bedroom; hoping, wishing and wanting the locket and the letter to return back.

Yet, when I checked the box, it still wasn't there and I sigh running my hands through my messy, tangled hair frustratedly. My hopes of it just magically appearing back into the box vanished, and I was left with broken promises and crushed expectations.

Placing the box back where I had placed it previously, I went downstairs, sitting down on the seat where I sat yesterday; next to Cora again. I smiled at her and she gave me a slight smile back, before digging into her food.



An alarming and distressing whisper painfully emerged. But from whom? I agitatedly looked around the bedroom for a sign of where this... this... mysterious voice came from. I peered over at Cora, yet she was fast asleep and snoring lightly.

I couldn't find a single trace of where that surreal input could come from, so I sat back into bed and closed my eyes: needing sleep to overcome.


This time it was more of a sibilated tone, rather than a murmur. Sitting up (yet again) I restlessly gazed around the un-illuminated room, observing where this could be coming from.

Or perhaps this was merely a dream? An extremely bizarre dream. One that I've never really experienced before. Pinching myself harshly, I winced due to my lengthy nails and realised that this wasn't a dream. And I was very much awake and this was very much genuine.

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