C h a p t e r 4

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You crossed an open field to reach the forest ahead, you were being chased by orcs. Once you ran in a little ways you looked behind you and see the orcs at the tree line, your eyes widen when they walked away. You take a look at your surroundings, trees taller than you could climb scattered the forest. Hearing the sound of rushing water you go to it and find a small stream. Kneeling down you cupped your hands gathering some and drank the cool water, you took your bow and quiver off your back and laid it beside you. Cupping more you splash it on your face, just as you were about to do it again something glistened in the water.

Reaching out you grabbed it and removed it from the water, it was a necklace. Hanging from it was a green gem surrounded by small diamonds. Collecting your quiver and bow you sat under a nearby tree, you turned the gem in your hand. Then it started to glow, you held it in the palm of your hand. It got brighter, "You are the one..." you heard a voice coming from the gem, "You are the one who will save us all..." you became dizzy and leaned back against the tree, your eyes never left the glowing gem in your hand. "There is one you are destined to meet..." your vision blurred, "You... are the chosen one." Then blackness.


You woke up with a jolt, your hands were shaking. Looking around you the room was filled with a bright light, you saw that it was just after sunrise. There was a knock at the door, you got up, your knees were a little wobbly, and opened the door. "Your presence is requested," the elf said looking you up and down, "Change first." he said before walking away. You shut the door and leaned against it, you took the necklace out of your shirt and looked at it, It is just your imagination (Y/n), you thought to yourself.

You were a little upset that you couldn't find any leggings, all that was there were dresses. Picking out a light blue dress you put it on, looking at yourself in the mirror you couldn't believe it was your reflection. Just as you finished combing your hair there was a knock on the door again. You opened it to find the same elf from earlier, "Tolo." he said. Your heart pounded in your chest, you grabbed the gem and followed him.

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