Chapter 4- First Day

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I went to the main office, there were a lot of men and 2 women. 1 woman greeted me in, she told me to call her Mrs. Ginger and she is the assistant principal. The other female is Ms. Ruth and she is the nurse. Mrs. Ginger directed me to the Principal's office and for some reason, I felt nerves knowing my reputation.

I entered an office by nobody was in there so, I waited for about 5 mins. Then, I heard a male, muscular voice say "Oh, Miss. Morgan, you are early. That's a good thing." I turned and smiled. I was surprised by his
appearance. He was buff and he was wearing a gray jacket and dark blue jeans. His jacket was tight so, you could see his muscles. I couldn't help but stare. "Welcome to pur school, I hope you like it here. We will try our best to make you feel welcome and my name is Mr. Jay and please don't ask if I am single because, I am and I don't want to talk about it." Mr. Jay said holding out his hand for me to shake. When I took his hand, it made me feel warm for some reason.

After a 45 minutes of talking, Mr. Jay introduced my teachers and all of them were male except for one was a female and she was beautiful. Mr. Jay also gave me my key to my dorm and helped me get my suitcase and bag out of car and he was surprised that I didn't have that much stuff.

Mr. Jay showed me the way to my dorm but, he left after that. I unlocked the door and nobody was there but, there was clothes all over there floor and one bed was messy and the other was clean. So, I layed on the clean bed and there was 2 closets, 2 night stand and 4 big dressers. I looked in the clset on my side and it was fully with clothes then, I checked the other closet and it was full too. I grabbed all the clothes that in the closet on my side and put it in the other closet.

After I unpacked, I decided to clean up the room and Mr. Jay told me that tomorrow I have to go to all my classes. I cleaned up the whole dorm and looked in the mini kitchen to see if there was any food. The fridge was full of sodas and frozen bacon. I took a soda and sat on my bed to read a book.

A few hours later, I heard voice at the door but, I still sat on my bed, reading and drinking soda. The door opened and I didn't move. A large male with tattooes all down his body, dirty blonde hair with one side cut came in. He was wearing a black t shirt and loose blue jeans. He did notice I was in the room and he took off his shirt revealing his 6 pack and muscular arms. He crashed on his bed and he noticed clothes weren't all over the floor like before and I loudly slammed my book shut to get his attention. He jumped and looked at me with a smirk on his face. He stood there with the smirk on his face and crossing his arms. " Well, you are so nice, your welcome." I said sipping on my soda. Ran over to me and jumped on top of my bed making me flip off onto the floor. "Thank you for cleaning my dorm, slut. Now, run along and go clean someone else's dorm." I got off the floor and grabbed my soda. I took a sip and pushed him off my bed but, he grabbed my arm making fall on top of him on th floor. "My name is Adam, Adam Hunter. What's your name?" Adam said while I tried to get off the floor. "Rose, Rose Morgan. I'm not a slut and I am your new roommate." I said dusting myself off and helping Adam get up. I sat on my bed and couldn't help but, stare at Adam's abs.

He noticed me staring and sat on my bed. He put his head on my knees and He stared at me but, it wasn't a weirdo stare, it was more of a lovey dovey stare. " I drunk one of your sodas." I said taking the last sip. Adam didn't respone, he looked cute just looking at me then, we heard a knock on the door and, we both got up. I opened the door and there was a cop. The cop took off his hat and said, "Does Adam Hunter live here?" The cop asked in a cracking voice. Adam walked over the cop and they stepped out the room. I couldn't hear what they were saying but, I saw a tear go down Adam's face. Adam came in not even talking to me . He slammed the door shut and crashed on my bed. Adam kept on messing with his hair. I got off my bed and grabbed a movie. "You want to watch a movie?" I asked. Adam looked at me. " Love, what would you do if someone in your family died?" Adam asked walking over to me. "I would probably cry for a week then plan a big, great funeral or a small personal one. Why?" I said playing with my hair.

Adam held up my chin and looked into my eyes, I looked down trying not to look at himm. Adam's eyes began to water up, "Because, my mom and sister died yesterday in a car accident." I felt bad and told Adam to sit on my bed beside me. How do these kind of things keep happening to me? I thought to myself. I sat beside Adam and Adam wrapped his arms around my waist and layed his head on my boobs. "Adam, get off my breast." I exclaimed, while pulling Adam's hair. "But, your boobs are like pillows, they are soft and I can hear your heart beat, its comforting." Adam siad while tightening his grip around my waist. "Can I please go change into some more comfortable clothing?" I asked trying to get up.

I got up and went to my closet. I heard footsteps behind me and I felt Adam's squeeze my a*s. I quickly turned around and pushed Adam onto my bed. Adam sat there watching me trying to pick a outfit. He got up and just picked something "Here, try this." Adam said handing me the outfit he picked. I went it to the bathroom and put on the outfit. It didn't look bad. I was wearing a dark blue crop top, loose yoga pants with my favorite panda socks but, crop tops are sort of out of my comfort zone.I walked out the bathroom with my arms civering my stomach and saw Adam trying to guess my password on my phone. "2005." I stated. "What, is that your password?" Adam asked typing it in. "Nevermind."I sat on my bed and watched as Adam looked at my instagram and snapchat and said "How come you like gorgeous in these pictures but, in real life you look like a troll." I snatched me phone and smacked Adam's stomach.

I leaned on my pillow and Adam came sat beside. Once again, he layed on my breast and he began to hum. I knew the song he was humming, my mom sang it to me when I was a little girl. I started playing with Adam's hair. It was so quiet and it was great. I traced Adam's arm with my finger going up and down softy. Adam kept on chuckling. Then, I noticed a tattoo on his arm and read it "Little do you know, I love you."

After sitting there, we both fell asleep....

A/N: Hello readers, I hope your have a wonderful day and I hope this story make your day better.

BTW: I will try to upload often. I promise!

Bye , Loves.😚💗

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