Chapter 6- Classes P2

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Rose's POV:

Jason kept on looking at me, studying my body. I began to think about how my Dad used to sing to me and my sister every night. I wanted to cry but, I have to be strong.

The bell sounded. "Lunch time! Thank god!" Jason annouced running to the Lunch Room I chuckled and headed to my dorm instead of going to the Lunch Room. Once I arrived at the dorm, I changed into a part of black short, Adam's Gamecocks hoodie, and took out my contacts. I put on my gold rimm glasses and put my hair into a messy, high ponytail. I ran to the Lunch Room to see Logan heading there. I ran and jumped on his back. He caught my legs and turned his head to see me. He smirked a me. I stayed on Logan's back and we talked. "You are lighter than you look." Logan commented as we entered the Lunch Room. "Thank you and you are stronger than you look." I replied, bouncing up and down from Logan's steps. The Lunch Room door slammed causing everyone to look at us. It was awkward. Logan continued to walk to the Lunch line. Adam started to walk toward us. Since I was taller than everyone on Logan's back, I looked down at Adam. I smiled at Adam. "Hey bro, I see you and Red have come to an agreement." Adam said, smiling at me. "What's for lunch?" I asked, jumping off Logan's back. "Sloppie joes." Adam pointed to them. "Ew, do they have anything. I don't like Sloppie joes." I said, putting up my shorts and fixing my glasses. "Is that my hoodie?" Adam asked, as I battered my eyelashes. "I like oversized hoodies and it looks really good on me." I acted cute and skipped around Adam. Adam rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. Adam sat with Jason and this other boy but, I haven't seen him around the school. Logan was with me in line. We had Sloppie joes but, there was cream corn for a side so, I got a full plate of corn. Logan kept on looking at me and making weird faces. I sat at the same table as Adam and so did Logan. "What is on your face?" The mystery boy asked with a French accent. "Beauty, duh!" I said, stuffing cream corn in my mouth.

Adam laughed at my comback. "What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Do you think I'm pretty? Do you have any siblings? What's your favorite color? Last question, who is your best buds?" I questioned. The mystery boy held out his hand and answered, "Samuel Cole. Paris, France, duh. 17. You are gorgeous. Yes, I have a 3 month year old little sister. Red. Adam, Logan, Jason, and maybe you." I shook Samuel's hand.

"Now, my questions. What's your name? Where are you from? Do you have siblings? What's your favorite color? What's your dream date? What do find hot in a guy? Last but, not least, who do you think is the cutest or hottest at this table?" Samuel asked making me choke on my water. I looked at Sammie and taught for a second or two. Then, " Rose Morgan. Cancún, Mexico. No comment. Also, red. A swim at the beach or a quiet room where my date and I can talk and get to know each other. I find humor or funny comebacks hot for some reason. No comment. " I answered. "You are not allowed to said, no comment for an answer." Sammie smirked. " Très bien, j'ai eu un frère aîné et une petite soeur mais, ils deaded dans une maison de feu. Ils sont morts, à cause de... moi." Fine, I had a older brother and a little sister but, they deaded in a house fire. They died, because I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I got up and walked out of the Lunch Room. I sat on the stairs and saw Sammie, Adam, Logan, and Jason come out the Lunch Room. I didn' t anything to them they just sat around me. Sammie looked at me. "Comment avez-ils mourir?" How did they die? 

  " Je suis allé à une fête et j'ai oublié que je devais regarder ma petite sœur. Elle a commencé un feu de maison avec une cigarette et personne n'était à la maison. Mon frère est rentré et a essayé de la sauver, mais ils ont tous les deux été nuls dans la maison. Je me souviens encore de leurs cris. J'aimerais ne pas être si stupide!" I went to a party and I forget I had to watch my baby sister. She started a house fire with a cigarette and nobody was home. My brother got home and tried to save her but, they both got stuck in the house. I still remember their cries. I wish I wasn't so stupid! Sammie hugged me. Jason cocked his eyebrow and buntly said, "Am I the only one who is wondering what the f*ck they were saying." I grinned at Jason's words. Sammie explained what I said and they all came closer to me. "You still have to answer the last question." Sammie smirked. I punched his shoulder and wiped my eyes. "Is my makeup messed up?" I asked. Logan nodded.

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