Chapter 12 - Safe???

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The past few weeks have been great, but Adam and Ada got back together and I've been going on dates with ALL my cute boys. "So, where are we going on our date tonight?" I asked eating a yogurt cup. "I'll was thinking the library." Cole suggested. "I don't think the library is a good date setting." Logan scoffed. Sammie pushed him playfully. Logan push him back, but harder than Sammie did. Sammie clutch his teeth together and he balled his fist. Sammie punched Logan, I stood up and grabbed them both from their ear. "Owww." They both whined. "What the f*ck was that?" I was annoyed. "He started it." They pointed at eachother. "SHUT UP!!!" I felt weak and like I failed. "You both know I love you soooo much, but I need a break....Plz." I fell to the ground and controlled my breathing. *Boop Boop Boop* the bell rang, I headed to Gym.

10 minutes later...

"Okay, lady and gentlemen, TODAY we will be Training for Volleyball." The Coach announced. I cheered in my head. "The team Captains are Rose and Henry. Rose pick first."

I looked at everyone and I picked "Austin." He has good form and can keep me company.

"I pick Tommie." ~ Henry
"Pickles." ~ Me
"Hmmmm...Logan." ~ Henry.
"Pause. COACH!" Me being the only girl student Coach treats me like a daughter. "I want Sammie and Logan to be on my team." I whispered into his ear. "Sammie, Logan! You're on Red's team." Coach yelled. "Thank you." I smiled. Henry rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Got a problem?" Austin looked at Henry like he was going to suck out his soul or something. "You can any other two people." I smiled at Henry.

"F*ck off, woman." Henry flicked me off. "Oh, its on." Austin balled his fist and chased after him. "Leave Henry alone." I rolled my eyes. "Guys, you know what f*ck it, just have freetime." Coach rolled his eyes and walked into his office. Logan and Sammie hugged me and said "We're sorry for fight over you." I smiled and kissed them both on the cheek and Austin came back and asked, "Where's my kiss?" I giggled and kissed his cheek. *buzz buzz* my phone vibrated in my pocket. Tyler calling, I answered. "ROSE!!! GUESS WHAT?!" Tyler yelled through the phone busted my eardrum. "Chicken butt." I replied. "NO, LOOK TO YOUR LEFT!" He yelled once again. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I ran to Tyler. I jumped into his arms and he fell to the ground. "OH MY G*D, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I squeezed him to death. "Adam called me and he wanted me to meet his girlfriend..." He totally ruined the moment. "She is a wh*re!" I yelled then quickly realized how loudly I said that. I got up and helped Tyler up.

"Oh my god, Tyler is that you. I haven't seen you in so long." Logan greeted him with that weird shoulder thing that guys do. "D*mn, Logan. Long time, no see." Tyler smiled. "Woah, you smiled. I haven't seen you smile in 5 years, with what happened with her...." Logan quickly regerted saying that. "Well, everyone has a free period. I can take you up to my dorm." I suggested. "Sure." Tyler fake smiled. I headed out and toward my dorm. I unlocked the door and Adam was laying on the bed playing with Zane. "Knock, knock." I said slowly opening the door. "Mommy!!" Zane yelled, running towards me. I picked him up and he gave a wide smile. "Mommy?" Tyler asked. "I'll tell later." I rolled my eyes. Tyler was behind me and Adam saw him and Adam gave him a tight hug. "Aww, the bro-mance." I teased. Tyler laughed. They all got into a group hug and it made me smile. I walked over to my bed and put Zane down. I walked over to my closet and once again, Adam was on my phone.

"You really need to stop going on my phone." I scoffed. "You really need to change your password." He replied. I rolled my eyes and he smiled. "So, Princess about the whole me staying here for a week, where do I sleep?" Tyler winked at me. "Well, you can sleep on the floor or on the couch." I battered my eyelashes. "Couch it is then..." He replied. I flopped onto my bed and Zane laid on my arm and sighed. "Adam, gave me my phone." I demanded. "Here you go." He handed me my phone. I laid it on my bed. "Ughhh." I got up and walked over to my closet. "I have to change out of these clothes." I groaned. I picked a red crop top and two-sided ripped jeans. I went into the the bathroom and tried them on, I looked good, but I DON'T like showing my stomach. I came out the bathroom and looked into the body mirror. I felt insecure and tried to put down the shirt and pull up my pants. "You look perfect, Princess." Tyler pulled me out of my thoughts. "Well, tell that to the Pre-K, Kindergarter, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade you..." I gave him  fake smile. "That was in the past..." Tyler looked at the ground. "Well, words do hurt you know." I rolled me eyes. "How do you guys know each other?" Adam questioned. I looked back at Adam and said, "En quoi est-ce important?" Why does it matter? "Don't be rude." Tyler commented. "Sachez quoi, oubliez-le jamais." Know what, nevermind forget it. I didn't feel like continuing the conversation. "What language were you speaking?" Adam asked. "French." Sammie answered the question for me.

I got up and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a Mamma Chia. "You still drink those?" Tyler asked. "Yeah, why?" I tried to open it. I tried again, and again, and again, and again. "Someone please help." I moaned. Austin walked over and twisted it right off, like nothing. "How did you do that?" I was so amazed. Austin just laughed and walked away. *Ring Ring* the bell sounded. "Ugh..." I groaned. "Bye Zane, love you." I blew him a kiss and he caught it. I smiled and we all headed out. Jason, quickly came around the corner and rubbed my ass. "Woah, dude have respect." Tyler commented. "Don't worry, he does this everyday." Logan informed him. "Yeah, Tyler it's cool, dude." Jason replied. "Rose, you let him do that every-single-day?" Tyler asked. "Yep." I popped the p. Jason squeezed my ass and Logan slapped Jason's hand and I laughed. "You people are weird." I giggled. I'm not weird, I'm protective." Logan defended himself. "Yeah, and I'm just a guy who knows what he wants." Jason licked his lips. "Yep, still weird." I smiled. "Well, bye see ya later." I waved as I entered the elevator. They all scattered. I pressed the button and went up to the fourth floor. I exited the elevator and nearly ran into Mr. B. "Sorry." I shook my head. "No, it's okay." Mr. B replied. Mr. B ran towards the SS room and I ran behind him. Then, *boom* I was hit by something. "Woah, I am so, so sorry." A man helped me up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to run over you." He looked worried. "It's fine, I'm okay." I got up and looked at him. "Ummm...woah!" He blinked. I giggled and dusted myself off. "Look, I'm new here and I'm sort of lost." He winked. "Well, where are you headed?" I questioned. He pulled out his schedule. "Oh, you have Mr. B with me." I smiled, because he can be eye candy. I pointed to the door. "I thought this was a ALL boys school." He commented. "It is, but this is the only school that would accept me." I replied. "Ohh..." He sighed. "Come on, we are going to be late." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to Mr. B's class.

We entered Mr. B's class. "Oh, there you are." Mr. B checked the attendance. "Since you are the new student, you have introduce yourself, like I did my first day." I smiled and leaned on Mr. B's desk. "Everyone! Everyone, I need your lovely attention!" Mr. B yelled and no one paid attention. "I got this," I gave Mr. B a thumbs up. "I'm going to get naked." I softly said. Everyone's attention directed to the front of the room. "The floor is yours." I patted the newbie on the back. "Well, my name is Zane and- -" I cut him off, by fainting. "Oh my g*d." He helped me up. "Red, you okay?" Mr. B asked. "Umm...can I have a sec in the hall?" I swallowed the lump in mt throat. "If you are going to have a axienty attack, take someone with you, but if you just need a sec to calm down, take your time." Mr. B assured me. I grabbed Zane's arm and dragged him out the classroom. I paced back and forth in the hallway. "Are you okay?" Zane questioned. I stopped pacing and just stared at him. "So, your name is ummm,umm...Zane." I struggled to say. "Yeah, why?" He replied. "baise ma vie." F*ck my life. I sighed. "What?" He looked at me confused. "Nothing." I grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him, but he was stronger than me and he pulled me. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to his body. He put one of his hands on my face and pulled me into a kiss. My eyes widened in surprise, but I relaxed. He put his hand back on my waist and slowly backed me up againist the wall and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He deepened the kiss and his tongue slipped into my mouth. We both seperated and took a breath. "D*mn." Zane bit his lip.

"Yeah." I smiled. "We should go back in the classroom." Zane suggested. "Yeah." I agreed. We entered the classroom and everyone looked at us. "As I was saying if someone can say the sentence on the board in 7 different laguages, you get a free period." Mr. B said. I read the board it said, I like class. "(Italian)Mi piace la lezione. (English)I like class. (Dutch)Ik hou van klasse. (French)J'aime la classe. (Irish)Is maith liom an rang. (Polish)Lubię lekcje. (Spanish)Me gusta la clase." I smiled and everyone just stared at me. "That was seven different languages, Italian, English, Dutch, French, Irish, Polish, and Spanish." I folded my hands together. "Class dismissed." Mr. B announced. "Wooh!" I was the first to walk out the classroom. "Thanks Red!" Ace nudged me and I nudged him back. "Why does everyone call you 'Red'?" Zane asked. "Oh, my name is Rose." I held out my hand for him to shake, but he kissed it. "Where do you want to go?" I questioned. "Well, I do have to go back to my dorm." He smiled. "Okay, I want to see where you are staying." I smiled back.

WC: 1874

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