Chapter 3

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Almost a week had passed since Newt's incident and he still hasn't woken up yet.

In a span of five days, I got to work in different jobs in the Glade. After working with Winston in the Blood House, I worked with the Builders, then the Bricknicks who had a pretty similar job with the Builders, next was with the Med-jacks and just yesterday, I worked with Frypan as a cook.

Tomorrow would be the last day before the Keepers gets to decide which job I will have. Today I get to work in the Garden as a Track-hoe.

And I'm pretty happy about it.

But Newt in a sleep induced coma was something not to be happy about.

Sweat began to gather on my forehead as I dug out a little soil to place some seeds underground. The heat of the sun scorched my back as I did my job in the Garden.

"You okay, Greenie?" Someone asks, and I spot someone's feet right in front of me.

I look up to see who it was. But I didn't recognize who he was. The memory of  the Gladers' names I knew were only limited. But I nodded nonetheless, appreciating the guy's concern.

"Um, yeah I'm okay." I stood straight to look at him at a better angle. He was a ginger haired guy, with round eyes that were gray in color and had a light dimple on the right side of his cheek. He was quite attractive, I must say.

"I'm Seth." He smiles widely at me.

"Sorry, I don't remember my name yet." I mutter apologetically. It must've been the most inappropriate response to someone who's asking your name.

Oh well.

His eyebrows shot up in question, "You've been here for almost a week but you don't  remember it yet. But that's okay, I'm pretty sure you'll remember it soon enough."

I wasn't given the chance to reply as Clint came running towards me with a gleeful expression on his face.

He skidded to a halt right next to Seth and I, catching his breath.

"It's Newt." He pauses.

My heart beats frantically inside my chest. Clint knew I was one of the many people that was looking forward to seeing Newt wake up.

I threw Seth an apologetic look before following Clint back into the Med-jack hut.


"He hasn't woken up yet, but he already moved his fingers." Clint said as soon as we arrive in the hut.

To say I was disappointed was an understatement. But still, the movement of his fingers is an improvement, right?

I sigh and look at Clint, "Thanks for telling me. I hope he wakes up soon."

He gives my shoulder a light squeeze before leaving the hut.

I sit on the same chair that I have been sitting on for the past few days every time I came to visit Newt.

I took his hand in mine.

But the exhaustion of working all day caught up to me, making my eyelids drop and drown me in a dreamless sleep.


"What the-"

Sleep left my system as soon as I heard Newt's confused voice.

I sat up properly and look at the bewildered boy on the bed, siting upright while his sight focused on his hand.

I followed his gaze and my eyes land on his hand encased in mine.

Oh god.

I pulled my hand away from his and awkwardly cleared my throat, looking at anywhere but him while blushing furiously.

Just a few days ago, I wanted him to wake up so that I could demand answers from the questions that have been lurking in my mind. But now that he is awake, I could only ask myself one question.

What now?

Silence reigned the hut, since none of us tried to initiate conversation.

Finally able to muster enough courage, I look at him and caught his gaze. He was staring, and I was staring back.

At this point, I realized I was supposed to call the Med-jacks and tell them that Newt is awake. So I stood up and prepared to leave when I felt him grab my wrist before I could go any farther.

"Who are you?" His eyes narrowed as he spoke.

I also wanted to ask that question to myself. Who am I, really?

And I knew that he wasn't just asking for my name, but who I really was as a person.

I look at him over my shoulder and see the desperation in his features.

But his question from earlier registered in mind and there was only one answer that I knew.

"I don't know." I breathily answer.

He tugged at my wrist, a reason to let me sit back on the chair where I was a while ago.

He lets go of my wrist and places both of his hands on the bed while looking ahead, not at me but somewhere else.

"What kind of answer is that?" He mutters disbelievingly.

Again I answer, "I don't know."

"How do you know me, or the other boys?" He throws yet another question.

I told him the same answer, "I don't know." I whisper.

I sounded so pathetic, I hate it.

He laughs in a humorless way.

"Okay, whatever you say." He shrugged and turned slightly to meet me in the eyes. "How 'bout this one, why did you save me when I didn't want to be saved?"

I contemplated my answer for a while. "You don't choose between wanting or not wanting to be saved. It is a choice between a need of saving you or not. And at that time, you clearly needed to be saved."

His eyes widen slightly, clearly taken aback by my answer but doesn't say anything in return.

He swung his legs over the bed and was about to stand up when I stopped him, "What are you doing? You need to rest, you just woke up."

"Just like you said, I just woke up so I don't need to rest." He said and stood up awkwardly, now with a limp in sight.

I stand by his side, trying to support him without actually holding him.

"Let's get outta here before those shanks miss their second-in-command too much" He winks and limps away, leaving me standing in awe and disbelief.

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