Chapter 5

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I felt a hand tightly covering my mouth.

My eyes snap open and darkness is the only thing I see. But certainly, there was a hand over my mouth.

My once intoxicated state of mind became sober all of a sudden.

My breathing quickens as I try to adjust my eyes to the darkness. My eyes dart from one corner to the other, trying to make out anything, to identify who was covering my mouth to prevent me from shouting.

All I could do was let out a muffled scream, which didn't help at all. Soon enough, I could make out figures. Figures lying on the ground and in the hammocks.

I could see a figure standing right beside my hammock, the culprit.

This person was pressing on my face too much that I couldn't even breath.

Beads of sweat trickled down my face and into the captor's hand.

I brought my hands to my face, grabbing his hand that was covering my mouth.

I couldn't breath at all, never felt oxygen enter my lungs.

I tried to pull his hand away but he was obviously stronger than me so I failed.

I could see his free hand holding something as he brought it down towards my arms, slashing through the flesh.

No! I tried to shout but it couldn't be heard.

Blood gushed out from my new wounds, one long slit on each arm. I clench my fist to try and get rid of the growing pain in my arms. I move around the hammock to try and attract attention from the sleeping Gladers but it was no use.

My arms fall limp on my sides as I stare in horror at my possible killer.

I could only see the lower half of his face, sporting a sick grin like how a butcher would look when he kills an animal.

My killer's a boy.

It was still too dark, the Homestead void of any light as of the moment.

Then I felt the blade of the knife being dragged on my thigh. It was there, but it didn't do any damage. The killer wanted me to know of its presence and what it could do.

I clawed at the captor's arms to try to push it away, I kicked and thrashed. Anything just to catch the attention from the other Gladers.

But no one noticed. No one even moved or woke up.

I tried kicking him where the sun doesn't shine, but he was quick to hold both my legs down using only one hand.

I was cornered. My arms were badly wounded that more movement would cause even more pain.

But he wasn't finished. He let go of my feet and before I could even try and kick him again, I could feel the knife digging into the flesh of my inner left thigh.

Everything was so fast that I couldn't feel the pain at first, but then it hits me like a train and pain is the only thing I could feel.

I haven't even fully registered what happened when I feel him push the knife into my stomach.

I gasped into the boy's hand, my shaky hand traveling towards my new wound, clutching tightly at the knife to try and pull it out. But the person who stabbed me only pushed it in harder. It was buried so deep that I could almost feel it go through my stomach.

From my mouth, his other hand lowered towards my neck. His fingers wrapped around it and held it in a vice like grip, instantly cutting off my oxygen.

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