Chapter 4

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As Newt and I arrive outside the Hut, it was as if time stopped, the Gladers seemed to notice that their second leader had woken up, that he was alive and they couldn't hide the relief and happiness in their faces.

Alby who was obviously shocked, walked towards us and looks at Newt like a proud father, "Welcome back, Newt." He lightly pats Newt at the back and barely threw me a glance before turning his attention back to the other Gladers.

"LET'S LIGHT UP A FIRE AND PARTY, SHANKS. TONIGHT'S GONNA BE A LONG NIGHT." He bellowed to the rest of the lot, threw one last look at Newt before blending in with the crowd loitering around.

The boys scattered around and prepared the things that was needed to be prepared for the bonfire.

The sun is almost setting, the perfect time to light the said fire.

I was pretty much excited, since it was after-all my first time to join their bonfire celebration. Alby once mentioned that they light up a bonfire when a Greenie comes up. But because of Newt's incident, they haven't been able to do it on my first night here in the Glade.

I totally agree though. Celebrating while someone isn't well is just not right.

"What do ya say, Greenie?" Newt asks, his head slightly tilted.

I just nodded in response and walked with him towards the center of the Glade where the bonfire would be set up.

A crowd had formed around the pile of woods and sticks to be later used as fuel to the bonfire. There was a light chatter around the area, the boys too sober to try and do funny things.

Alby suddenly showed up right in front of us, "Runners'll be here soon. Until then, we won't start without them."

As if on cue, the boys' heads snapped towards the direction of the different openings of the Maze as one by one the Runners entered the Glade.

When they got nearer, they were able to make out Newt's face and just like the others, they were shocked and delighted.

The other runners just gave Newt a tight smile before running towards the Map Room. Minho smiled and teasingly blew Newt a kiss before following the others into the Map Room.

Thomas though, didn't run straight into the Map Room and instead went running towards Newt instead.

"You shank" He laughed before engulfing Newt into a hug. "I missed you. Thought you'd never wake up."

Thomas broke away from the hug, a smile still etched across his face.

Newt mirrored the same emotion, "Tommy, I missed you too, mate." He ruffled Thomas' hair and pushed him to the direction of the Map Room.

I inwardly screamed at how the two boys looked cute and sweet.

I sighed.

Their bromance is just too strong for me to handle, I just can't.


It was nightfall, some boys holding long poles with flames at the end stood around the site of the bonfire, ready to light it up.

I was siting peacefully by myself on a wooden log, taking in my surroundings.

It was such a beautiful scene, a complete contrast to what we were really facing everyday in the Glade.

Newt had left my side ages ago, just limping around the place to catch up with the other Gladers. But mostly with Thomas.

"One, two, three!!" The boys shouted in chorus before throwing the lit up poles into the bonfire, instantly giving the Glade a warm light.

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