Chapter 8

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The bright light had started to fade, stars dotting the twilight sky, covering us in a twinkling blanket of darkness.

My sobs had subsided, but I didn't break away from Newt's comforting hug. Just kind of stood there, no words exchanged yet everything was comfortable.

But Alby broke that comfortable silence, finally able to find his voice after what happened.

Alby clapped Newt on the back that caught Newt's attention.

He broke away from the hug but he placed his hand on the small of my back.

Everyone else had wandered off, not really caring what happened to me, the greenie.

"Today's a rough day, specially for greenie here." Alby's eyes darted from Newt to mine, concern in his eyes though he himself won't admit that he actually cares for the only girl in the Glade.

"You have to rest." Alby said and started walking away, Newt and I in tow.

"Alby, you do know that she can't sleep in that same bloody hammock." Newt still had his hand on my back as he talked to Alby.

Alby paused to turn to us slightly, "She has no other place to sleep in."

"She can sleep in my room." Newt commented calmly.

Alby's brows shot up, "But where will you sleep?"

"In my hammock." He deadpanned.

How could he have two places to sleep in?

Alby seemed to agree of Newt and I's sleeping arrangement as he nodded.

"If that's the case, I'll be off then." He waved a little and he was gone.

"Newt, I can sleep in the hammock. Go sleep in your room." I said.

But he was obviously avoiding the fact that he didn't want me to go against his idea of me sleeping in his room.

"Go get dinner, I'll just tidy up my room a bit for you." He says in a dismissive manner, not even giving me a chance to protest before walking towards the direction of the Homestead.

I had no choice but to obey what he said and go towards Frypan's kitchen to get some food.

Dinner consisted of chicken with corn on the side. I got myself a serving before looking at the vast room, searching for any familiar faces.

Then I saw Chuck, Thomas, Minho and a couple more boys I didn't know.

I walked over to them and sat down on a vacant spot next to Chuckie.

"Hey guys." I say flatly.

A series of hello's and hi's were heard.

"Are you okay...uh, greenie?" Thomas asks hesitantly, clearly not knowing how to properly address me.

I gave him a curt nod and started eating.

Come to think of it, I never really talked much to the other Gladers, just hung around with Newt, Alby, Chuck and sometimes Minho. Other than those guys, I didn't talk to anyone else.

"Hey greenie, you probably don't know these guys." Chuck chirped beside me, gesturing to the other boys we were siting with.

I shook my head no.

"Well this is Aaron, James and Shane." Chuck pointed to each boy as he told me their names.

Oddly enough, one of the names sounded so familiar. But what was with their names anyways? Surely it was nothing important, so I just shrugged it off.

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