Semi-Public Sex (MinJoon)

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landing himself a detention turns out to be the best part of jimin's day.


Jimin sighs, staring out the window. He'd landed himself in detention, having skipped math to meet Namjoon in the second floor boy's washroom. The school body president hadn't gotten in trouble, of course, he had a free period but Jimin's math teacher had caught him in the library on his lunch, given Jimin a disparaging look as he told Jimin he had detention.

A part of him tells him to count his lucky stars, considering anyone could have walked in on him and Namjoon, Jimin's pants pooled around his ankles, Namjoon's mouth on his cock. A certifibale disaster, if they'd been caught by a teacher.

Still, he'd rather not be spending his afternoon caged up in detention, not when the sun is teasing him through the windows, warm rays keeping Jimin toasty as he drapes himself over his desk, eyes fixed on the black chalk board. What was the point of detention? Were you supposed to become a better person while being bored out of your mind? Jimin's really only mad because he could be at Namjoon's right now, acting out a sequel to their washroom adventures.

Namjoon had given him a smirk when Jimin had told him, cooing at his pout and telling Jimin he looked really cute when he was upset. Unhelpful as that was, they'd squeezed in a quick make-out session after their last class, and maybe Taehyung was right. Maybe Jimin spent too much time thinking about fucking and shoving his tongue down Namjoon's throat but Jimin couldn't be blamed for hormones and a boyfriend who enjoyed shoving his hand down Jimin's pants, even in public.

"This is so boring," Jimin mutters, wondering when the detention supervisor would show up. Literally no one else is in the classroom and that's ridiculous. Jimin can't be the only bad apple in the school.

"Is it?" a voice says from Jimin's right and he whips around to find Namjoon standing in the doorway, school blazer slung over a shoulder, tie loosened up. His hair's still perfectly styled, not a strand out of place, swept up out of his face, but he's rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt until they sit at his elbows and Jimin's mouth goes dry.

"What're you doing here, hyung?" Jimin asks, brows furrowed together. It's not that he minds, just that Namjoon has about a hundred different obligations and responsibilities.

Namjoon tuts, moving out of the doorway and letting the door close behind him. He drapes his blazer over a desk before making his way over to Jimin, taking a seat on the desk in front of Jimin.

"Is that any way to talk to your detention supervisor, you delinquent?" Namjoon grins, dimple curling into his cheek and Jimin's eyes widen, smile spreading wider and wider across his face.

"Really?" he exclaims, nearly giggling because suddenly the idea of having to sit in an empty classroom for forty minutes didn't seem so bad. He leans forward in his seat, grinning up at Namjoon who's trying very hard to hold back his smile but doing a terrible job of it.

"Really," Namjoon answers, reaching forward and pinching Jimin's nose. "But you owe me, Park Jimin. I had to give up my lunch tomorrow."

Jimin wrinkles his nose, pulling away from Namjoon with a frown. "Why?" And it's probably terrible that Jimin is more upset that he won't get to spend lunch with Namjoon, despite the fact that he normally made a sizable dent in his homework when Namjoon wasn't around. Still, Namjoon always caved and fed bits of his lunch to Jimin as they worked, let Jimin slump against him, whining about his classes.

"Because," Namjoon says slowly, school genius always condescending at the worst of times. "My boyfriend got caught by his math teacher for skipping."

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