Chap 1 The beginning

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Naruto's Pov
It was a normal day at the bar, I was just minding my own business while my friend's Rony, Blaze, Mira, and Zeya where attending the I guess you could say guest's.Until I see a tall man with grey hair and one onyx eye with another red one, wearing a business suit and whatever the hell and...a nursemask?

I don't know but he was with a group of friend's.They looked like they where in there late 20s or so,one had a bowl haircut it reminded me of a peer at school named Rock Lee who was dating gaara one of my friend's, the same guy was wearing a green spandex suit, by the looks of it he just took off his business suit.The next one she wore diva type of clothes she had purple hair kinda spikey by the looks and high heels.Last but not least a brown haired man wearing a business suit and bandana around his head , while smoking a cigarette.

Next thing I know it I'm being called to sing in the background for music because this shitty little place can't afford "quote on quote"Music cause it cost' s a fortune". Fortune my ass I say if my boss can pay strippers than surely he can buy a music player or pay a DJ or something.I groan in frustration as I felt myself remember who the grey haired man was and standed at a distance from him,he saw me but he.. didn't recognize me I was sad, hurt, and I don't know what other emotions.I continued walking towards my station.

Kakashi's Pov *Finally*
I was at a bar with my friend's Gai, Genma, and Anko. Unfortunately I got a call from my parents saying it's something important and that they needed to discuss with me.My friend's said I should not worry about it but I had a guilty and weird feeling in my stomach.I ignored it until I saw a blonde haired young man, he had ocean blue eyes and three whisker marks on both his cheeks he looked like a bartender other than the obvious I felt like I knew him.

"Hey kakashi what ya thinkin about?" Genma asked in a normal fashion, while holding his beer."Nothing important." I respond back only to get a look of curiosity.

"Hey kakashi are you ever going to get married your 25 goddammit and still no girl or boyfriend", Anko asked with a slight bit of irritation in her voice.

"Kakashi my good man may the power of youth..."*gai was interrupted thank God I thought.*

Naruto's Pov
I went into position behind the stage where my friend's and I hang out.I was given a mic and told not to sing until my cue, after my cue was made I started to sing I Can't decide by Scissor sister's. The strippers where actually in a Good mood tonight...well that's a new one if i say so myself.My shift was over so I left with my friend's to maybe go out and eat so as I was getting my stuff, until I was told to throw the trash out so I did but because Mira was being paranoid she made me wear a mask.On my way out I heard a scream to see the man with grey hair and his friend's getting mugged,so me being the person I am stepped in to save em.

Kakashi's Pov
Me and everyone else left the bar but.. Anko being drunk ran off into a alley so we ran after her only to see that we where getting into a little situation.Anko screamed in her state, and me,gai, and genma where getting ready to attack until they pulled out guns so we stilled.

"Give us everything ya got now"!!someone fat and ugly said.*Guys I'm lazy and just skipping there descriptions k.*

"Or how about you young lady...."What no get off me" Anko yelled.

Then "SMACK".....

"Hey how about you fight me instead you coward's!!"I saw the same blonde haired boy from before.

*Guys I'm lazy so just imagine Naruto kicking ass k...ok😃😃😃*

The kid was really beating the shit out of all of them until one pointed a gun at me. I was scared, shocked i didn't move even when the kid called my name, I didn't even know what was happening until I felt him pushing me outta the way taking the shot for me.

"BOOM" was what you could hear as it echoed for mile's.

"K-Kashi...." I heard him say, I was confused on how he knew my name...

To be continued....
Oh God what will happen next guys will it be to late or what will happen.
This is new so I might suck at writing so don't judge me. Naruto does not belong to me it belongs to it's respectful owners Masashi kishimoto.

Well Ja ne everyone!!!🤗🤗🤗
Thank you for reading.

Edit 11/11/17: ....So many spelling errors, the story is is I'm ded. X_X

{DISCONTINUED} Kakanaru "Your Promise..."Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant