Chap 11

171 9 7

Five minutes after getting on the bus, Naruto arrived at his destination. He proceeded to jump off the bus and run to the Suna Cafe. Once he got there he looked around for the (soon to be) couple. He perked up when he saw raven hair shaped like a ducks ass and a pineapple. The blonde then started to spy on them for 20 minutes when a familiar voice spoke.

"Uhh naruto...What are you doing?" A sudden voice interferes his concentration, he then turns around to see an old friend and a raven standing beside him.

"Oh hey Eren, I haven't seen you in forever." The blonde says with a straight face, he was crouching down behind a wall at a certain distance so his brother wouldn't see him.

"Umm if you don't mind me asking... Why are you crouching on the floor?" The brunette asks.

"Ummm it's a short story."

"Well since we haven't seen each other in a long time how about me, you and Levi go to a table to talk."

"Levi?" The blonde asks with a question mark above his head.

"Oh that's right I didn't introduce you to each other, but first just come with me Naruto." The brunette said's nervously scratching his cheek.

The blonde sighs and agrees to follow behind the raven and brunette, he was sure his brother was doing fine.

With Iruka... (A few minutes before Naruto got there)

The pineapple head named Iruka was nervous and when I say nervous he was nervous. The nose-scarred man was sitting in a both near the big glass window. He was sweating and feeling self conscious about himself.

Iruka' s thoughts

What if he doesn't come, or I was set up oh Damn will he come, am I late did he leave i knew I shouldn't have tried to make freinds.

"I'm sorry Mr.Umino but I was kept back by a annoying bi-..." A sudden familiar voice pierced his thoughts.

"Oh it's quite fine, but please you don't have to call me Mr. Umino it makes me feel old."

"Alright Iruka... I didn't make you wait now did I?"

"Oh no it is a pleasure being in your company." The dolphin states in a loving manner, unaware to the stare he got from the person in front of him.

"God why can't you marry me right now..." The Uchiha mumble' s unaware he said that.

"W-What did you say???" The pineapple said's blushing furiously.

"Oh nothing important Mr.-I mean Iruka." Sasuke smirked thinking he got away with saying that.

"Well anyways Mr.-"



"Sasuke just call me Sasuke."

"Oh ok Sasuke..."

A quite uncomfortable silence spreads..

"Umm well do you know Naruto?" The awkward pineapple asks.


"Oh because I know him and-"

The pineapple then begins to rant about our precious blonde.


"Wait wait wait..., so you're telling me that you're spying on Iruka so you can match make and with someone you hate?" The cute-eyes I mean eren said jumping from his chair knocking it in the process.

"Umm yeah?"

"Tch brat you should just let the two be." The raven said's to naruto.

Naruto sighs and agrees.

"I know it's just... Iruka mentioned to me about a specific person wanting to meet me again and...I-I just I don't know.."

"Well Naruto who is this person?"


"Come on tell me, I Eren Jaeger-"

"Ackerman, brat"

"I Eren Ackerman Jaeger promise to never tell a soul to anybody whether I'm a deaths hands or about to be embarrassed."



The blonde turns around and gasps as his eyes widened.


To be continued...


Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while, school has been tough but hey I'm getting better.

Sorry if it sucks, with the crossovers I guess that's what I should say but, I'm not creative with making characters at all if you read my Ocs Information book thing cuz in there you hear about terrible Ocs.... and yea...

{DISCONTINUED} Kakanaru "Your Promise..."Where stories live. Discover now