Chap 3 Naruto's Point of view

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3rd Pov
A certain blonde was moving and turning in his bed having a nightmare.He would alway' s have the same dream ever since he was 12. He alway' s dreamt of his parent's death, kakashi forgetting him and being alone.He had a dream of someone close and it was somewhat different this time, he dreamt of a figure close to him that loved him.

The little blond was turning in bed but then...he fell of the bed and onto the hospitals floor, making a "grunt" noise.Getting back on the bed he looked around on his surrounding's.
"Oh God what happened...Wait where am i?Then the nurse come' s in and said's."Oh dear your awake Mr.Uzumaki how are you feeling?"

"I feel sore from my right shoulder."
Naruto reply's, with a "Wince" of pain overflowing his shoulder blade and to his elbow.

"Mr.Uzumaki do you not remember what happened 2 days ago."The nurse said carrying the boy's Food."

"No not at all."

After that being said Naruto was told that the hospital has already contacted his family and friend's.


30 minutes later...
( ) Means thoughts
* mean sounds sometimes

Naruto Pov
("I...I.When will you come back kurama...You left me alone after mom and dad died when will you come back....Big brother..")

"What the hell is that noi..."
*Door swings open*

("Great I just woke up to be scared to death.")"NARUTO" Four voice's say simultaneously, I look up and see my friend's Roni, Blaze, Mira, and Zeya. All four looked like they where gonna have a heart attack or...had one?

"Are you okay??? Are you thirsty, hungry, do you need your..." I put up my hand to silence them then I speak. "I'm alright see just a bit of pain from the accident. " I look up and see all my Family at the verge of tear's, I didn't know they would be affected this much by the accident. Suddenly I'm consumed in a big group hug. "Don't ever scare us like that!" All I do is pat the silver haired girl who said that and...


To be continued.....



Hey Guy's i finally got to writing this story, How do you guy's like it so far? Is there anything confusing or bothering you about my story if so comment about it. And i also this is just half of the third chapter.

Naruto:Yup! Also XXxDarkErenJaegerxXX Does not own Naruto it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Sasuke:Your lucky it doesn't...

Naruto:Your one to talk how are you and ir...

Me: *Slaps hand over mouth*

Me:Ahem we are not supposed to be talking about this boy's are we? {Extreme Killer intent leaks}

Sasuke:Hn your so weak what could you possibly do to me.

Naruto:(No sasuke no)

Me:Run Uchiha....[Start's fighting sasuke]

Naruto:Welp i might aswell close this off... Well Ja ne everyone!

{DISCONTINUED} Kakanaru "Your Promise..."Where stories live. Discover now